
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

not about anything...

ak sebenarnye xtaw nk post ape...
tp tgn ni gatal nk menulis...

so, ak rase ak just gonna go and write anything that comes to my mind.
klu korg sume pasan la...ak x penah reveal name org dlm blog ni...
either ak cut diorg pny nme (eg: *k**a*) or ak bg codename (Mr. X)...
I've been thinking that I should give my blog a codename...
then bole la ak wat post style laen skt...

I've decided...
from now onwards I'm going to called my blog "Zoe"...
dun ask npe ak pilih nme Zoe...
no particular reason...
let's try...

Bly: hi, Zoe...
Bly: pekaba?
Bly: ari ni ak nk cite kt ko...
Bly: td ptg ak dah berjaya siapkan esaimen critical thinking...

Zoe: itu je ko nk cite kt ak?

Bly: tu je la kot...

Zoe: lol, klu bende tu x yah cite pon xpe...
Zoe: igt nk cite pasal bende2 bes ke ape ke...

Bly: ala, sabo la...
Bly: skunk ni xde pape yg bes nk d citekan pon...
Bly: hmm......except for one thing...

Zoe: haa...ape yg mcm bes tu?
Zoe: klu x bes, siap ko...

Bly: dgr la dulu...
Bly: hmm, ak x sure la nk cite ke x...

Zoe: ala, cite je la..

Bly: yela2
Bly: nk cite la ni...
Bly: dlm post ni ak bg codename kt ko...
Bly: even so, selama ni ko la tmpat ak mengarut...

Zoe: ape yg ko nk ckp ni...

Bly: ek eleh...sabo la...
Bly: ko ni x sensitip la...

Zoe: hmmm....:-|

Bly: past few month (few years actually)
Bly: ak pasan yg most people have their own best friend
Bly: but I can't seem to have one...

Zoe: ape mksd ko?

Bly: yela...
Bly: diorg klu ade pape ke, mst diorg akan wat sst tu ngn best fren diorg...
Bly: mcm cri grup wat esaimen, nk ajk g jejalan..
Bly: mcm2 lg la..
Bly: asal klu nk buat sumthing yg memerlukan lebih dpd sorg...
Bly: they have their own calon for that (their best fren)
Bly: best fren diorg is always there for them...

Zoe: so?

Bly: so...
Bly: I don't have one of those...

Zoe: xde ape?
Zoe: best fren?

Bly: yaaa

Zoe: bukan ko ade best fren ke?

Bly: well, i might as well say it's the best that I have...
Bly: but not like what i say above...
Bly: ak x jmpe pon best fren yg betul sekepala cm ak...

Zoe: x semestinye kne sekepala br bole jd best fren...

Bly: ak taw
Bly: tp mereka2 yg x sekepala ngn ak ni
Bly: will most likely won't be the friends cam yg ak mention td...

Zoe: Hmm...
Zoe: myb sbb skunk ni ko pon da umo 21
Zoe: kengkawan ko sume da ade pakwe/makwe sdri...
Zoe: besenye pakwe makwe diorg la yg akn jd bes fren diorg...
Zoe: lebih2 lagi klu diorg mmg bes fren b4 kapel...
Zoe: wait a minute...
Zoe: apsal ko x cri someone jd awek ko je...
Zoe: I bet most of the time she will spend time with you...
Zoe: well, at least SOME, klu bukan most of the time.

Bly: ya, I tried that too...
Bly: you see, klu ko pasan post ak yg dulu2...
Bly: ak penah had a crush on a few people...haha:p
Bly: tp ak x take any move pon...

Zoe: apsal la ko x bertindak...
Zoe: klu ko x buat 1st move, cmne la diorg nk sangkut ngn ko...

Bly: I know that.
Bly: but, org yg ak ade crush tu most of it friends ak...
Bly: even baru2 ni (xde la br sgt, agk lame da kot), ak ade like kt someone..
Bly: tp ak treasure bonds ak ngn kawan2 ak...
Bly: most people don't become as much of friends once they know someone like them n rejected
Bly: the reason npe ak somehow x bole nk make first move,
Bly: sbb ak xnk ak kene reject n then our bond break just like that...
Bly: I rather be friends than to break our bonds...

Zoe: susah la cmtu...
Zoe: everything in this world has a give and take...
Zoe: better ko try go make the 1st move ngn org yg ko like tu...
Zoe: I belive it's Ms J kan?
Zoe: hehe:D

Bly: hmm...
Bly: seriously mmg ak nk make a 1st move...
Bly: tp klu ko pasan
Bly: dulu ak ade ckp yg ak x sure whether her heart is already owned or not
Bly: so, i'm taking a save move by not mentioning anything related to that...
Bly: even there's one time I felt like she's finally getting closer to me...
Bly: but now everything has changed...

Zoe: changed?

Bly: yela
Bly: somethings tell me that she not interested in me.
Bly: and it seems that she's trying to widen the distant between us...
Bly: ko patut tau la cmne rasenye.
Bly: well, its probably a signed that I should leave her alone.
Bly: and now I'm thinking about not gonna get involve in this kind of matters anymore.
Bly: klu ak pk pasal satu bende tu, ak pk dgn tersgt jauhnye...
Bly: terlalu jauh smpi la most of my time I spent to just living in the fantasy.

Zoe: hmm...
Zoe: what ever makes you happy...
Zoe: just don't get involve in doing something bad sudah la...

Bly: hmm..ok
Bly: thnx for hearing me out...

Zoe: ????
Zoe: what?
Zoe: tu je?
Zoe: xde pape yg bes pon...
Zoe: x-(

Bly: lol...xbes ke?
Bly: mmg x bes pon
Bly: ak x kata pon bes...
Bly: ak ckp "ak xde pape bende bes yg nk dcitekan...except for one thing"
Bly: hehe:D

Zoe: ces...hmmm
Zoe: ak ngntuk...tdo dulu la...

Bly: nite...

well, that wasn't too shabby...
haha...a good way to waste time...

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