
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

secret of my heart....

feels good to be back...
after over a fortnight x update blog, ttbe trase nk update blog plak mlm ni...

well, u all can guess why ak x keudara beberapa minggu ni...
i'm bz of course...
but not bz buat keje...
tp bz maen game...
alhamdulillah, yugioh 5d's world championship 2011 dah pon tamat maen...
after around 16 days...
so far my comment about it, it's good...
but i'm just a bit disappointed that Extreme Victory pack is not included...
the storyline is not bad...

so, does this mean ak da berenti men yugioh 2011 ni?
the answer is a definite no...
of course la..
because one of my favourite feature is included...
which is I can create my own duel puzzle...
stakat ni ak da buat around 6 duel puzzle kot..
tp sume lebih kurg je...haha..
if guys would like to try my duel puzzle,
feel free to try it...
ak mmg nk org laen try solve duel puzzle ak pon...
kpd spe yg berjaya solve duel puzzle ak, ak bg la reward skt...
br la korg smgt...

so, agak2 ape lg ea?
ooo, one more..petang td, abg ak call...
alhamdulillah, kakak ak da selamat bersalin...
it seems that my guess' wrong...
kakak ak dah selamat melahirkan anak lelaki (lagi)...
haha, sorry but i don't write someone's name in this blog...
but he doesn't have the letter "Z" in his name...
ape pon ak bertekad nk letak nme anak ak nnt mst ade huruf "Z"...
klu xde huruf "Z" kat depan, kt tgh or blkg pon xpe...
asalkan ade huruf "Z"...
ak still x tgk lg mukenye cmne...
myb la abg or kakak ak ade post kt fb...
tp ak pon mls da nk bukak fb skunk ni...
so, tgu ak blk nnt je la kot br tgk...

pjgnye muqadimah...
blum start pon post yg related ngn tajuk...haha
so, merujuk kepada tajuk di atas (haha, skema gile ayat)..
tajuk yg agak x le blah...
not much of a secrecy...
just something that other people don't know...
ak ni jenis suke labelkan a person with a song...
well, of course la kawan ak...
xde keje ak nk label org ak x kenal ngn lagu..
if u guys don't understand..
for example, I labeled Mr/Ms P with song title "P"...
so, everytime ak dgr lagu "P" tu, ak terigt la kt Mr/Ms P..
this way, I don't easily forget my frens...

of course la not all of my frens...
bukan sume ak assign ngn lagu...
just some...
korg bole agak la lagu ape yg ak assign...
konfem2 la lagu anime...

bile ak assign lagu?
probably ak da assign lagu tu from the time ak mule kenal ngn org tu...
or myb ak assign mse mule nk rapat2...
or myb ak assign time agak2 da nk berpisah...
berpisah x membawa mksd clash ok...
it means, da x berada dekat d mata la...

lagu ape yg ak assign kt seseorg tu?
it could be my favourite song at that present time...
or it could be that person's favourite song...
or it could be the only anime song that person knows...
or myb other causes...

see, like i said..
it's not much of a secret...
but if u, readers want what song i assigned to you (if any) u can ask me personally...
it makes no different what songs i chose for you...

this post is rather short...
introduction je panjang...
ak pon x taw nk tulis ape lg...
since that secrets keep being secrets...
so, not much to tell....

till next time...
au revoir....

Yugioh 5d's world championship 2011 - rom NDS latest for yugioh TCG
TCG - Trading Card Game
Extreme Victory - one of the packs in yugioh game that include some of my favourite cards.
Duel puzzle - a simple rule but complex solution yugioh type puzzle that requires you to solve it using the combination of cards in your hand, deck, graveyard & removed cards in relation with opposing cards.