
Monday, December 19, 2011

Two of a kind?

quite a while since my last post...
so, how r u guys?
fine? (hope u r)

sbnarnye ak cm bese, x taw nk write pape..
but just thought of something that can be shared...
not really a knowledge, but just something to be read..

it's been over 6 months that I'm jobless...
however, skunk ni ak tgh attend training or something like that for 6 weeks...
My Career My Future...
training b4 getting a job...
after 6 weeks, supposedly should be able to get a job... (hopefully)
training ni not much something yg kene focus blaja cam org gile...
just someway to kill time to learn bout new things,
since that, in the end,akn dpt cert, arap2 mbantu la dpt keje (yg stabil)...

it's been a week since the training started,
seems like I'm in the last intake for this year's training...
dunno, if diorg nk wat lg ke x tahun dpan...
but i guess that's not why I'm writing sumthing today (tonight)...
at 1st, I thought ak sorg je join bende ni...
I mean from CSUSM, but it seems, there someone else...
someone I never thought would join...
can u guys (my 2 followers) guess who might that be?
someone quite close to you 2, especially Mr. X during some period of time...haha...
well, x perlu la susah teka...
terus terang je la, SHE is Mr X pny ex-__.

well, hmm...
is there any relation to the post title "TWO OF A KIND?"...
haha, not quite...
that's just for some information...
in case u guys might wonder where she might be & what she's doing...
the real reason is...
hmm, if u guys know me quite well...
most of the reason I post sumthing here must have sumthing to do with Ms J...
well, I guess it is about her...
it's been over 2 months since I last met her,
dunno if she still remember me.
to tell u the truth, I try to forget about her...
just consider that meeting her is just one of the great things that have happened to me...
eventhough it is hard,
but as hard as it can be..
I must forget her, I have to...
so that I can get on with my life...

actually, I tried many times,
but every times I tried, something interfere...
when I found out that I don't even have the slightest chance,
something slipped up & give me hope...
such as, people around me say something like she had a quarrel with he BF,
she clashed, she this, she that...
and now once again, I tried to forget her...
but in the process, something snapped again...
but this time, different than b4...

If u r smart enuf...
I think u can find the answer from the post title...
seriously, I'm not joking...
I found a twin of Ms J here...haha
sheet....(polite way of saying/writing "shit")
I can't believe it happened again...
luckily the twin is in the neighboring class,
but probably an earlier intake for MCMF program...
so, I don't know her name...
I never talk to her. (I never start a conversation with someone I don't know)
but sometimes, I see her walking out from her class.
and ofcoz, I am reminded of Ms J...

today's afternoon, during lunch hour...
when I was buying meself a drink at the drink corner,
she was actually there too...
no matter what I do, I kept on seeing Ms J on her...
when I stand beside her, it feels just like when I'm standing beside Ms J.
not to mention that both of them is just about the same size (height)...hehe
even some of their clothes are almost the same style & colors...

what should I do?
tomorrow, high chance I'm gonna run into her again...
myb their personalities is not the same,
but still, the similarity in physical appearance can't be doubt.
I dunno "Mr X ex-__" noticed it or not...
it's probably just me...

dunno what to write anymore...
just like usual, once I get to the point, I will lose the idea of writing anything...
I guess this is the end, for now...
au revoir...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


now that I think of it...
ak slalu mcm xde idea nk tulis ape...
but still, ak trase nk tulis something...

so, what if from now onwards,
korg bg ak idea nk tulis pasal ape...
korg sume kan kreatif dan bijak...
so, korg lebih tau ape yg patut di tulis...
n also, klu ak post something based on ape yg korg nk,
at least ak tau la akn ade org bace...hehe

so, how about it???

Did u know?

rindu rase nk menaip....
feels good to be back (at least for a while).
don't really know what to post
myb just share some unusable-unimportant info about me...

did u guys know that I can predict something that's not gonna happen...
I'm not convincing u guys to believe it but just stating the obvious.
it happens ALMOST all the time...

did u remember the post "POST YG X PATUT D POST"?
it is actually one of them...
to tell u the truth, tiap2 kx ak naek bas dok sebelah ppuan,
ak mesti expect them to lean their head over my shoulder, and it never happened.
so, nape ttbe time tu such things happened?
then, I remember that I already know that it never gonna happen.
so, my point is, bile ak expect bende tu nk jadi, it is over 99% yg its not gonna happened & vice versa...
u get what i mean?

another good example is, my AI courses.
during my 3rd sem, mase tu br blaja intro to Artificial Intelligent.
ak satu hapah x paham,
attend test 1 die, gile aa soklan cam haram...
almost all ak hentam...
so mmg ak da expect la nk dpt truk...
haha, i guess u guys know what happened right...
instead ak dpt 80...
even Mr. A pon dpt 60 something...

then it comes to my final sem,
my NLP, subjek AI gak...
coursework ak memuncak, ce...A- je pon...
so, ni harapan ak nk dpt satu2 je A kt USM ni...
even mase exam pon, ak agk yakin ngn jawapan ak...
but then when results come out...
ak dpt C+...
bygkan, klu coursework A- then campur final trus jadi C+...
mcm Final ak tu dpt F tau x...
kecewa gile ak...
bukan nk kte soklan final xm ak xleh jawab,
ak rase bole la gak dpt at least around half btul.
tp somehow, A tu xnk masuk dlm paper result ak...

there are many several other situations,
tp susah la nk cite satu2 kt cni...
u must be thinking, klu ak predict bende x elok jd kt ak, instead bende elok yg jd...
npe ak x slalu pk x elok je...
ak da try mcm tu, however it seems that klu ak x ikhlas pk yg bende tu mmg akn jd x elok...
mmg xkn jd pny...

how about mimpi?
talking about, supposedly mimpi ni ikhlas la kot...
sbb kte bukan bole kawal pon ape yg kte akan mimpikan...
it seems, that mimpi doesn't work...
klu ak mimpi something buruk arini, doesn't mean yg something baik akn jd esok or in the future.
most people saidyg mimpi ni mainan tidur..
I don't want to deny that...
but, pada pendapat ak, ape yg ko mimpi tu is either ur deepest desire or ur worst nightmare...

talk about nightmare...
I just had one of the worst nightmare ever last night...
I can't believed I had such a nightmare...
nak tau ke ape?
damn, ak still xleh terima bende ni...
I guess u guys know Ms. J right...
semalam ak mimpi die kawen ngn org laen...
itu worst?
u haven't heard the last of it...
yg x tahannye, die kawen kt rumah ak...
gile impossible....
tp klu such thing happen, mmg gile aaa...haha

ape la ak ni, dpd cite pasal ability ak utk predict the unpredicted,
trus bertukar ke mimpi smlm...haha..
ni la yg dikatakan gian nk menulis, tp x taw ape nk tulis...
end up merapu je...
I guess b4 ak merapu lagi jauh, baek ak stop kt sni je...

Note: Aloha can be used as hello & goodbye...

Friday, April 29, 2011

last post?

hola everyone...

at last, I'm finally relieved from CSUSM.
as today is the last day of my exam week (just for me and certain students)
huh, now what...
agknye ape yg menantiku pasni?
hmm, x taw la...
actually ak x taw nk post ape ni...
I think this might be the last post for this blog...

now that i think of it, terase sedih plak nk melepaskan blog ak yg ni...
byk kenangan ak ngn blog ni...
kt blog ni la bermulenye something very special utk ak...
n kat blog ni gak la tempat ak meluahkan perasaan...
not to mention, kt blog ni la gak ak share some secrets yg ak x snggup nk cite to someone I trust the most.

to those who were following this blog, I thank you from the deep of my heart...
I don't think my blog is something special...
but you guys (followers & readers) made it so...

bile memikirkan yg ni might be the last post in this blog, somehow ak terase sedih plak...
hehe, I keep talking about followers.
tp ade 2 je kot followers...
seb bek 2, at least ak bole la letak urup 's' kt blkg so that it becomes plural...hehe
ever since I started blogging here, ak x pnah mention nme org...
n awal2 dulu, ak x mention pon nme tempat or anything yg nama khas (noun)...
tp, semenjak da ujung2 ni, ak reveal at least nme tempat n other things except name...

ala, even klu ak gune codename pon, i guess you guys could have guessed to whom I've been reffering to.
if by any chance, korg x tau gak, at the very least ak reveal the codename yg ak gune utk followers ak...
since that ade 2 followers je, senang la nk reveal...xyh wat list pjg..haha
the first one to follow this blog is referred to as Ms. T and sometimes ak ade gak refer her to XXX dlm blog ni...
why Ms. T?
ade lah..hehe
the other one, is referred to Mr. X, I guess this guy tau npe ak letak codename die Mr. X...hehe
futtari to mo no saiko da....
boku no na wa yuujin toshite anata o motte kounda...(betul ke x bhsa jepun ak ni, haha bajet cam paham jepun)...

now that I think of it...
early when I came here to USM,
ak rasmikan first sem ak kt sni dgn tgk cite "Full Metal Panic" the first anime yg ak bli/dlod kt usm ni...
not to mention, this is the first comedy romantic anime yg ak tgk...
one of my favourite...
sebelum ni ak x pnah pon tgk anime yg bergenre comedy romantic...
ever since, mcm2 other comedy romantic anime yg ak dlod, eg: "nagasarete airantou" and "honey & clover"
I strongly recommend you guys to watch it.

last few weeks, ak br je ulang blk tgk cite Full Metal Panic tu...
I can't believe how fast time have past by
in this 3 years, ak dah dlod over 400 lagu anime from sahaja...
excluding from other site...
it's not something yg membanggakan ke ape,
but just thinking about it, made me realize that I have been wasting my time doing things as I pleasure...
not that klu ak tpk cmni, ak akan insaf sebegitu mudah...hehe
just reminded, but no action is taken...hoho..

I always wonder if there's someone, other than my two followers, read my blog or not...
mne la tau, klu2 coincidence org berkenaan terjumpe blog ak time tgh nk google ke ape ke...

bile ckp pasal bce blog ni, teringat ak kt blog lame ak...hehe
inactive trus...last post was on 29th march 2010...
da lebih stahun...
I guess it's high time for me to return there...
or mybe just leave it obsolete...

there's so many things I want to say...
but there's too many things that I cannot tell....

I guess this is the end....
the last post for repliforce...
the last post from a nonimes
I hope this will not be the last post...
since that kt umah ak xde tenet, who knows how long ak akan off9...
might be forever...

so, if ade kesempatan...
InsyaAllah ak akan write something here....

I'm gonna miss you guys...
till next time, au revoir....

CSUSM - Coolest Subject Untuk Student Malaysia

Saturday, April 23, 2011

mane original writer?

Zoe: sunyi je blog ni skunk...
Zoe: ape jadi ngn writernye ni?
Zoe: g mane la Bly ni...
Zoe: kalau ak dah sorg cmni, watpe ak nk berdialog?
Zoe: ah-ha...
Zoe: ape kate ak yg post sumthing kali ni...
Zoe: klu nk tgu Bly tu, tah bile die nk post...

hmm, tp ak nk post ape ek?
ak ni bukannye pro sgt bab2 nk post ni...
klu Bly tu, mcm2 la die nk merapu (eventhough die ckp die xde idea nk post)

ok, i think i just write sumthing pasal bende yg happen arini je la...
I mean semalam....
semalam, starting from pukul 12.01am ak tgh somewhere dalam bilik karok.
menyanyi smpi letih...
supposedly pagi tu kul 9 ak ade exam NLP...
adoi, x start study lgi kot...

apsal ak end up kt dlm bilik karok plak kul 12am?
haha, sebabnye the day b4 ak g kuar jejalan-memakan ngn kekawan.
might be for the last time.
so, it a pretty long story klu nk include xtvt tu gak.
just assume yg ak kuar ari b4 semalam smpi la mlm where mlm tu ak g karok (1st time kt cni) smpi tgh mlm (+- kul 1.00am to be exact)...
i'm not really a fan of karoking, but i do enjoy it as ak pon slalu nyanyi kt dlm bilik...
even skunk ni (3.24am) tgh karang ayat smbil menyanyi...
3.24am? ape ak wat tgh2 pagi ni?
smata2 nk tulis blog ke?
haha, ok...klu nk tau, trpaksa la smbung cite td..

pas je selesai karoking, incik2 drebar tu bercadang nk g makan...
makan? kepada sesiapa yg tau sumthing, jgn tny nape makan...
agknye diorg lapa lg kot...
pada awalnye diorg nk anta ak blk dulu, so that ak bole study...
tp x jd plak, ktenye kejap je makan...
ak pon follow la, sekali ak tergoda plak tgk diorg ni makan..
so, ak pon ter-order la skx...
tmpt makan ni diorg panggil "marvelous", myb sbb ade menu nme "marvelous" kot...
tmpat ni la tmpat makan yg rumet kesayangan mengidam sgt smpi xcident...
oo, speaking of xcident...
pas xcident tu, ramai la kekawan ak yg dpt tau, tp sebhgian je yg g lawat diorg kt hospital malam xcident tu.
diorg di refer kepada incik2 yg xcident, yakni rumetku n sorg yg ber-codename "mawar"...(haha...codename x le blah)
but, seems like ramai yg risau pasal diorg ni...
so, ramai yg x g tu, ade msg or call mereka2 yg pegi ni...
one of them did msg me...
menanyakan berita terkini...
tp malang skx, time ak nk bce msg tu je, bateri kong trus...
x sempat nk bce n reply...
pas da blik around kul 3 or 4 kot, ak pon da x la ak g cas hp...
n ak trus tdo...
so, time siang tu br ak t'igt pasal msg tu.
kepada org yg berkenaan, I'm so so so sorry sbb x reply awal2...
by the time ak reply tu, supposedly most people da tau macam2 kt fb...

jauhnye ak melencong...hehe
after makan2 sikit kt marvelous tu...
betul la sikit, x pcye ke?
sikit bg ak la...hehe
pas makan tu, ktorg pon pulang ke bilik masing2 (3am kot)...
patutnye nk study trus la...
tp, seperti yg dijangka, ak x trus study...
ape lagi, maen2 game la dulu...
bg busan maen game, br ade mood nk study...
lepas sejam kot, br ak start bukak buku...
so, ptutnye dah around kul br nk start...
haha, ak ade kurg 5 jam utk abeskan satu sem pny chapter....

tp alhamdulillah sbb slide2 NLP ni sume byk pendek2...
ade yg 7 slide, ade 8 slide ade 13 slide...
klu yg pjg2 tu 88 slide, 64 slide...
tp byk gamba, so, bole dbace dgn pantas la sebenarnye...

tp lepas sejam, ak terase letih plak...
kaki terase lenguh2...
dpd duduk kt ats kerusi, ak pon g la bace notes smbil baring atas katil...
i guess u guys bole tau ape jd seterusnye...haha
ak tertido?
oh tidak....x maen la tertido...
ak sendiri yg tarik selimut tido dgn tnpa rase bersalahnye...
korg jgn pk time ni ak da abis browse through notes ai ak ni, ak baru abis 3 or 4 pptx je b4 tdo...
pas tu, kul 8.15 ak bgn, mule la gelabah nk bce bende yg x dbace lg...

tercirit gak la ak nk bace sume tu smbil nk siap2...
I mean this literally, sbb ak agk skit perut time tu...
ni sume gara2 makan byk la ni...
tp x sempat da nk lepas hajat ni...mmg kene postpone...
seb bek x critical...
so, ak bole la tahan jap...g amik exam dulu...
byk la tahan.
time exam tu berpeluh2 ak menahan...
uuuu....x leh fokus...
tp lepas bbrp ketika, ttbe rase nk memerut pon ilang...
br la dpt jawab pekse ngn aman...
klu dpt jawab la, tp disebabkan oleh x abes bce...
mmg miracle la klu ak bole lulus...
eh, lulus ak rase insyaAllah bole...sebab koswork agk tgi...
klu x jwb pon bole kot dpt C...
so, mmg miracle la klu bole dpt A...

Bly: haha, nk dapat A konon...
Bly: jawab pon x abis....

Zoe: eh, bile ko dtg sni?
Zoe: ak igt ko da x nk post pape dah kt sni.
Zoe: so ak amik alih tmpt ko menjadi poster ter baru kt sini..

Bly: poster?

Zoe: writer la...
Zoe: salah skt pon x bole...

Bly: haha, xpe2 silakan sambung post anda...

Zoe: ko x nk amik alih ke?

Bly: xpe2, ko teruskan...

ok, pas jawab exam tu...
ak pon berbincang la sktkt luar dewan pekse tu ngn dak2 cina yg bijak2 tu..
haha, discuss mengagak ape jawapan sebenar exam tu...
ak x sgka plak yg ak bole talk on par ngn diorg...
means ak berjaya influence diorg yg jawapan ak btul (dgn supporting detail of coz)

pastu, ak pulang ke bilik...
tp x smbung tdo ke ape...
sbb x trase ngntuk, so ak pon maen la game, smbil menunggu solat jumaat...
(asek maen game je ak ni, xde keje laen ke)
bile maen game, br terase ngntuk...
so, ape lagi, melelapkan mate la...
tdo smpi kul 1.15pm
solat jumaat kx ni ak g ngn incik mawar...
memandangkan xcidentnye x fully healed lagi, so ak la jd drebarnye...
naek moto pon paggil drebar ke?
g masjid pon lambat, so, sure2 la da ramai org...
so, terpaksa la mencari mane tmpt nk mencelah...
smpi la ke bhgian kiri tmpat solat wanita...
eh, ni solat jumaat, so, tmpt solat wanita is accessible for lelaki...hehehe
first time ak g kt side kiri tmpt solat wanita ni, besenye ak g blah kanan...
yg x le blahnye, kipas xde kot...
berpeluh2 ak sembahyang...
mcm org yg g lari merentas desa...
x sgka la plak, side kiri ni sgt panas, sbb side kanan tu agk sejuk kot...
seb bek bukan ak sorg je yg berpeluh2...
incik mawar ni lagi la nmpk jelas peluh2nye...
tambah plak dgn, slipar incik mawar ilang...haha
sian, bpe mggu lepas br je xcident, skunk slipar ilang plak...
tpaksa la die blik berkaki ayam...

pas solat jmaat, xde ape2 yg menarik pon, just ak tgk cite...
n then petang tu dsebabkan kemengantukan yg amat sgt, ak pon tertdo smpi kul 10pm...
terlepas sudah asar n maghrib ak...
dulu pon cmni gak, hari exam ai gak...sbb ak x tdo study spjg mlm smpi time exam...
pastu ptg tu tdo smpi kul 11.30pm...
just that the different is, mase tu ak bgn kul 11.30pm n then trus bukak laptop n ym jap dlm sejam...then tdo blk...
tp kx ni, ak x tdo...tu yg skunk ni tgh celik lagi mengarang ayat kt blogger ni...haha

Zoe: ok, ak rase tu je kot...
Zoe: ko ade nk tmbh pape?
Zoe: cite pasal Ms J ke?
Zoe: hehe...:D

Bly: oh tidak...
Bly: not today...
Bly: today, I just let u do the writing...

Zoe: is that so?
Zoe: so, xde pape dah ea...
Zoe: see u later then...

karok - bahasa pasar utk karaoke
NLP - subjek AI faveret ak...uwekkk (Natural Language Processing/Pemprosesan Bahasa Tabii)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

secret of my heart....

feels good to be back...
after over a fortnight x update blog, ttbe trase nk update blog plak mlm ni...

well, u all can guess why ak x keudara beberapa minggu ni...
i'm bz of course...
but not bz buat keje...
tp bz maen game...
alhamdulillah, yugioh 5d's world championship 2011 dah pon tamat maen...
after around 16 days...
so far my comment about it, it's good...
but i'm just a bit disappointed that Extreme Victory pack is not included...
the storyline is not bad...

so, does this mean ak da berenti men yugioh 2011 ni?
the answer is a definite no...
of course la..
because one of my favourite feature is included...
which is I can create my own duel puzzle...
stakat ni ak da buat around 6 duel puzzle kot..
tp sume lebih kurg je...haha..
if guys would like to try my duel puzzle,
feel free to try it...
ak mmg nk org laen try solve duel puzzle ak pon...
kpd spe yg berjaya solve duel puzzle ak, ak bg la reward skt...
br la korg smgt...

so, agak2 ape lg ea?
ooo, one more..petang td, abg ak call...
alhamdulillah, kakak ak da selamat bersalin...
it seems that my guess' wrong...
kakak ak dah selamat melahirkan anak lelaki (lagi)...
haha, sorry but i don't write someone's name in this blog...
but he doesn't have the letter "Z" in his name...
ape pon ak bertekad nk letak nme anak ak nnt mst ade huruf "Z"...
klu xde huruf "Z" kat depan, kt tgh or blkg pon xpe...
asalkan ade huruf "Z"...
ak still x tgk lg mukenye cmne...
myb la abg or kakak ak ade post kt fb...
tp ak pon mls da nk bukak fb skunk ni...
so, tgu ak blk nnt je la kot br tgk...

pjgnye muqadimah...
blum start pon post yg related ngn tajuk...haha
so, merujuk kepada tajuk di atas (haha, skema gile ayat)..
tajuk yg agak x le blah...
not much of a secrecy...
just something that other people don't know...
ak ni jenis suke labelkan a person with a song...
well, of course la kawan ak...
xde keje ak nk label org ak x kenal ngn lagu..
if u guys don't understand..
for example, I labeled Mr/Ms P with song title "P"...
so, everytime ak dgr lagu "P" tu, ak terigt la kt Mr/Ms P..
this way, I don't easily forget my frens...

of course la not all of my frens...
bukan sume ak assign ngn lagu...
just some...
korg bole agak la lagu ape yg ak assign...
konfem2 la lagu anime...

bile ak assign lagu?
probably ak da assign lagu tu from the time ak mule kenal ngn org tu...
or myb ak assign mse mule nk rapat2...
or myb ak assign time agak2 da nk berpisah...
berpisah x membawa mksd clash ok...
it means, da x berada dekat d mata la...

lagu ape yg ak assign kt seseorg tu?
it could be my favourite song at that present time...
or it could be that person's favourite song...
or it could be the only anime song that person knows...
or myb other causes...

see, like i said..
it's not much of a secret...
but if u, readers want what song i assigned to you (if any) u can ask me personally...
it makes no different what songs i chose for you...

this post is rather short...
introduction je panjang...
ak pon x taw nk tulis ape lg...
since that secrets keep being secrets...
so, not much to tell....

till next time...
au revoir....

Yugioh 5d's world championship 2011 - rom NDS latest for yugioh TCG
TCG - Trading Card Game
Extreme Victory - one of the packs in yugioh game that include some of my favourite cards.
Duel puzzle - a simple rule but complex solution yugioh type puzzle that requires you to solve it using the combination of cards in your hand, deck, graveyard & removed cards in relation with opposing cards.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Bly: hey, Zoe!!!
Bly: Zoe!!!!!!!!!!

Zoe: sheet la...
Zoe: apahal?

Bly: oyeah...
Bly: penantian ak selaman ni telah pon mendatangkan hasil
Bly: hari ni 2 berita baik buat ak...
Bly: tapi malang skx ade at least 2 berita x bpe nk baek la plak....

Zoe: hmmm
Zoe: ok, ko cite dulu ape 2 berita baik tu...
Zoe: pas tu ko cite 2 berita x bpe nk baek tu plak...
Zoe: spy last2 nnt ko berenti tulis blog dgn prasaan x gembira...

Bly: damn...
Bly: ko mmg jahat laaa...
Bly: x mcm ak, baek....

Zoe: uwekkkkk....

Bly: first, arini akhirnya berjaya memperoleh file yugioh 5ds world championship 2011...
Bly: thnx to my fren yg beraya mendownloadnye.
Bly: so, bole la ak maen....
Bly: yahooo....

Zoe: lagi 1?

Bly: lagi 1
Bly: yugioh 5ds episod 149 akhirnya kuar download link kt animea
Bly: supposed kuar ahd kot...
Bly: tp mlm ni gak br nk kuar...

Zoe: ek eleh, sehari je pon kuar lmbt

Bly: mmg la hakikatnye sehari.
Bly: tp klu menunggu ni, sehari bagaikan seribu hari tau x?

Zoe: hmmm, yela...
Zoe: so, ape berita buruknye?

Bly: bile plak ak ckp buruk?
Bly: ak ckp x bpe nk baek je...

Zoe: lebey krg la tu...

Bly: yg x bpe nk baeknye...
Bly: ak x le men file nds ni kt NDS ak...
Bly: tpksa men kt emulator...

Zoe: lol...
Zoe: npe plak xbley?

Bly: ntah...
Bly: sumthing about anti piracy yg diorg bult dlm file br ni kot...

Zoe: tu la ko..
Zoe: suke sgt gune brg pirate...
Zoe: g hack NDS tu wat pe...
Zoe: men la pakai tape..

Bly: gile mahal nk pakai tape...
Bly: satu game pon da cecah 50 hengget...
Bly: lgpon bek ak hack...
Bly: at least murah skt...
Bly: tmbh plak, klu ak x hack, bukan la dak cs nmenye...

Zoe: eleh...mcm la ko yg hack...
Zoe: org laen hack, ko tlg maen je...

Bly: shhhhh
Bly: no one has to know that, so zip it....

Zoe: hmmm...
Zoe: lg satu?

Bly: lagi satu, sok ak ade mock interbiu....
Bly: mlm ni kene wat resume la plak...
Bly: x bole la nk maen...

Zoe: tu je?

Bly: tu je la kot...

Zoe: klu tu je bek x payah....

Bly: ko blk2 x payah...
Bly: klu ak x tulis sumthing..
Bly: nnt abis la blog ak inactive...
Bly: k la...
Bly: at least i'll tell u guys sumthing useful...

cite yugioh yg ak dlod tu sbnarnye dr link filesonic...
just so you know, kt USM ni, filesonic kene blok sbnarnye...
so how ak dpt dlod from link tu?
haha....i think among us USMians..
i'm the first one to know this method...
i've told to someone about this...
but i don't know whether he/she has told others or not...
so, as a token of thanks for reading my blog...
i'll reveal the way to bypass filesonic...

see this 2 links below? Gi Oh 5D’s - 149.mkv Gi Oh 5D’s - 149(.)mkv

so...i'm gonna ask u guys a few question...

which one is valid link?
if ur answer is the 1st one...
ur wrong...
if ur answer is the 2nd one...
ur wrong also....
both of the links is actually valid...
if ur using any means of internet without security settings that blocks certain page ie: broadband...
u can verify that these 2 links can be opened...

which one can be opened by USMSecure wifi connection?
ur answer is right if u choose the second one...

as i said, filesonic is blocked in USM (at the present)....
so, concealing the final dots before file type with parentheses enable USM wifi user's to access it...
i don't know how it works...
but it works...
hehe:D (xplaination yg sgt xle blah)
but the only dots that u can conceal with parentheses is the dots before file type...
such as, ".rar" , ".mkv" ".avi" and so fort...
this method cannot works against ".html", ".php" n seangkatan dgnnye...
i'm not sure about other sites...
myb bole gune method ni...
but myb not...
you just have to experiment it urselves...

till then...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

killing time...

here i am...
sitting in front of lappy didn't know what to do...

Bly: hey...Zoe...
Bly: are you there?

Zoe: ...........

Bly: ???

Zoe: (-_-)....zzzzZZZZ

Zoe da tdo la plak...
never mind...
abg ak br je gtaw yg kakak ak x lama lg nk besalin dah...
myb around a fortnight...
i hope it's a girl...
because my previous nephew is a boy...
as the name suggested "nephew", of course la boy....
xkan girl plak...
that's why i hope this time it's a girl...
no particular reason....(i wonder why i kept saying these words)

tpk gak...
cmne la muke anak sedara ak yg akan dtg ni...
well, i'm kinda excited...
walaopon dulu ak agk x leh terima hakikat yg ak da mjd seorang paksu yg msih blaja...
but now, i'm kinda used of being called "paksu"...
not that i like it...but i don't hate it either...

ak da x sabar nk blk umah nk jumpe anak sedara ak yg nombor 2 secara official...
i'm just waiting for a reply regarding that matters...
and i'm off to ipoh for a week....
nah, just kiddin'
myb for 2-3 days...
since that monday is my official day off...
so, bole la blk utk 3 ari...

speaking of blk umah...
sok rumet ak da nk fly blk utk seminggu la plak...
camne ak nk dlod naruto ni?
broadband spe ak nk tibai?

terpaksa bersabar utk seminggu dua ni...
tp ape pon...
diharap sok pagi rumet ak ni membuta la smpi tgh ari...
ak nk cilok broadband die jap...

seminggu dok kesorgan kt blk nnt nk buat ape ye?
even ngn ade rumet pon cam boring nk mampus....
tpksa la bersuka ria wat fyp...
what was this post for?
dun ask me...
i'm just simply killin' time, till i feel sleepy....
well, i'm not yawn yet...
but i don't know what to write either....
so, i guess i'll just stop here...


fortnight - 2 weeks

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

can't wait.....

Bly: hello Zoe...
Bly: are you there?

Zoe: ak ade je kt sni...

Bly: hoho
Bly: I can't contain my excitement...

Zoe: plak dah...
Zoe: smlm cam sedey je...
Zoe: arini pe cite plak?

Bly: yugioh world champioship 2011 akan release esok...
Bly: tp esok tu release japan pny daaa...

Bly: nice x poster die....

Zoe: ???
Zoe: ko klu da suke, sume bende ko kte nice...
Zoe: ape la ko
Zoe: sok tu br release japan pny version kot...
Zoe: mcm la ko paham jepun...

Bly: spe kte ak x phm...
Bly: ces, ko jgn pandang ak sebelah mata...
Bly: ak byk blaja bahasa jepun time tgk cite anime kot...

Zoe: eleh...
Zoe: klu ko paham sgt, pasni ko jgn tgk subtitle.

Bly: ak mcm nk phm je la...
Bly: xde la paham sgt, skt2 je la...

Zoe: kok ye pon sabo la...
Zoe: tgu la smpi version english release dulu...

Bly: ak da lame menunggu...
Bly: 2010 pny ak da lame khatam...

Zoe: ish2...
Zoe: ak bako NDS ko kang br tau...
Zoe: ak bako...ak bako....
Zoe: hahaha:))

Bly: damn...
Bly: brani ko nk bako NDS ak...

Zoe: haaa
Zoe: dah tu, sabo la...
Zoe: nnt 10 mac t kuar la english pny...

Bly: yela2...
Bly: klu jadi pape kt NDS ak, siap ko...

Zoe: eleh..
Zoe: mcm la ko bole cederakan ak ke ape...
Zoe: haha

Bly: cis...
Bly: xpe la...
Bly: malas la ak nk sembang ngn ko...
Bly: bek ak g membusankan diri ngn men NDS...

Zoe: bye....daaa....adios....tata...

Bly: uuuu....

reference: yugioh wikia

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

not about anything...

ak sebenarnye xtaw nk post ape...
tp tgn ni gatal nk menulis...

so, ak rase ak just gonna go and write anything that comes to my mind.
klu korg sume pasan la...ak x penah reveal name org dlm blog ni...
either ak cut diorg pny nme (eg: *k**a*) or ak bg codename (Mr. X)...
I've been thinking that I should give my blog a codename...
then bole la ak wat post style laen skt...

I've decided...
from now onwards I'm going to called my blog "Zoe"...
dun ask npe ak pilih nme Zoe...
no particular reason...
let's try...

Bly: hi, Zoe...
Bly: pekaba?
Bly: ari ni ak nk cite kt ko...
Bly: td ptg ak dah berjaya siapkan esaimen critical thinking...

Zoe: itu je ko nk cite kt ak?

Bly: tu je la kot...

Zoe: lol, klu bende tu x yah cite pon xpe...
Zoe: igt nk cite pasal bende2 bes ke ape ke...

Bly: ala, sabo la...
Bly: skunk ni xde pape yg bes nk d citekan pon...
Bly: hmm......except for one thing...

Zoe: haa...ape yg mcm bes tu?
Zoe: klu x bes, siap ko...

Bly: dgr la dulu...
Bly: hmm, ak x sure la nk cite ke x...

Zoe: ala, cite je la..

Bly: yela2
Bly: nk cite la ni...
Bly: dlm post ni ak bg codename kt ko...
Bly: even so, selama ni ko la tmpat ak mengarut...

Zoe: ape yg ko nk ckp ni...

Bly: ek eleh...sabo la...
Bly: ko ni x sensitip la...

Zoe: hmmm....:-|

Bly: past few month (few years actually)
Bly: ak pasan yg most people have their own best friend
Bly: but I can't seem to have one...

Zoe: ape mksd ko?

Bly: yela...
Bly: diorg klu ade pape ke, mst diorg akan wat sst tu ngn best fren diorg...
Bly: mcm cri grup wat esaimen, nk ajk g jejalan..
Bly: mcm2 lg la..
Bly: asal klu nk buat sumthing yg memerlukan lebih dpd sorg...
Bly: they have their own calon for that (their best fren)
Bly: best fren diorg is always there for them...

Zoe: so?

Bly: so...
Bly: I don't have one of those...

Zoe: xde ape?
Zoe: best fren?

Bly: yaaa

Zoe: bukan ko ade best fren ke?

Bly: well, i might as well say it's the best that I have...
Bly: but not like what i say above...
Bly: ak x jmpe pon best fren yg betul sekepala cm ak...

Zoe: x semestinye kne sekepala br bole jd best fren...

Bly: ak taw
Bly: tp mereka2 yg x sekepala ngn ak ni
Bly: will most likely won't be the friends cam yg ak mention td...

Zoe: Hmm...
Zoe: myb sbb skunk ni ko pon da umo 21
Zoe: kengkawan ko sume da ade pakwe/makwe sdri...
Zoe: besenye pakwe makwe diorg la yg akn jd bes fren diorg...
Zoe: lebih2 lagi klu diorg mmg bes fren b4 kapel...
Zoe: wait a minute...
Zoe: apsal ko x cri someone jd awek ko je...
Zoe: I bet most of the time she will spend time with you...
Zoe: well, at least SOME, klu bukan most of the time.

Bly: ya, I tried that too...
Bly: you see, klu ko pasan post ak yg dulu2...
Bly: ak penah had a crush on a few people...haha:p
Bly: tp ak x take any move pon...

Zoe: apsal la ko x bertindak...
Zoe: klu ko x buat 1st move, cmne la diorg nk sangkut ngn ko...

Bly: I know that.
Bly: but, org yg ak ade crush tu most of it friends ak...
Bly: even baru2 ni (xde la br sgt, agk lame da kot), ak ade like kt someone..
Bly: tp ak treasure bonds ak ngn kawan2 ak...
Bly: most people don't become as much of friends once they know someone like them n rejected
Bly: the reason npe ak somehow x bole nk make first move,
Bly: sbb ak xnk ak kene reject n then our bond break just like that...
Bly: I rather be friends than to break our bonds...

Zoe: susah la cmtu...
Zoe: everything in this world has a give and take...
Zoe: better ko try go make the 1st move ngn org yg ko like tu...
Zoe: I belive it's Ms J kan?
Zoe: hehe:D

Bly: hmm...
Bly: seriously mmg ak nk make a 1st move...
Bly: tp klu ko pasan
Bly: dulu ak ade ckp yg ak x sure whether her heart is already owned or not
Bly: so, i'm taking a save move by not mentioning anything related to that...
Bly: even there's one time I felt like she's finally getting closer to me...
Bly: but now everything has changed...

Zoe: changed?

Bly: yela
Bly: somethings tell me that she not interested in me.
Bly: and it seems that she's trying to widen the distant between us...
Bly: ko patut tau la cmne rasenye.
Bly: well, its probably a signed that I should leave her alone.
Bly: and now I'm thinking about not gonna get involve in this kind of matters anymore.
Bly: klu ak pk pasal satu bende tu, ak pk dgn tersgt jauhnye...
Bly: terlalu jauh smpi la most of my time I spent to just living in the fantasy.

Zoe: hmm...
Zoe: what ever makes you happy...
Zoe: just don't get involve in doing something bad sudah la...

Bly: hmm..ok
Bly: thnx for hearing me out...

Zoe: ????
Zoe: what?
Zoe: tu je?
Zoe: xde pape yg bes pon...
Zoe: x-(

Bly: lol...xbes ke?
Bly: mmg x bes pon
Bly: ak x kata pon bes...
Bly: ak ckp "ak xde pape bende bes yg nk dcitekan...except for one thing"
Bly: hehe:D

Zoe: ces...hmmm
Zoe: ak ngntuk...tdo dulu la...

Bly: nite...

well, that wasn't too shabby...
haha...a good way to waste time...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

post yg x sure patut dpost or x....zzzz

hola amigo(s)...
I wanna tell you guys a story happened mase ak nk start cuti CNY yg lepas...
I'm not really sure how to start it,
but, it happens on 28th January 2011.....

sumthing funny happens this day.
not sure nk consider bende ni funny or what,
but it is sumthing yg bole dceritakan.

arini (28/1/2011) supposed to be bday kawan ak (hepee besday),
tp die xde kaitan pon ngn bende yg ak nk cite ni, haha...
arini gak adlh hari before cuti mid sem start.
so, supposed ak blk ipoh arini.
ak cdg nk nek moto je, bg besekan diri ngn jalan kt high way.
tp, mak ak x bg plak.
so, ak pon tpksa la blk by means of bas express yg x bpe nk express...

tiket ak tu ptg, sgt la x bes.
sbb pagi kul 8.30-10.00, ak ade klas NLP.
so x leh wat pape la.
tiket bas tu ak bole bli either 9.15am, 12.45pm, 2.15pm, 4.45pm or 7.15pm.
since that arini ari jumaat,
tket paling awal yg ak bole bli is 4.45pm.

the story undergoes while ak dlm bas.
pas dapat naek bas, bas mule betolak kul 4.45pm.
agk punctual if u ask me.
selama ni, klu patutnye kul 4.45pm, mst kul 5 or 5.15pm br nk betolak.
even worse, 5.30pm.
quite a while ak x naek bas, since ak bwk moto ke penang.
bile bas bergerak tu, ak terase cam pening2 skt.
not to mention bau aircond or myb bau bas tu buatkan ak rase nk muntah.
sdg bas berjalan kt atas jambatan.
ak tepikir, apsal skt sgt org naek bas ni?
pastu br ak tigt yg bas ni g butterworth amik org sne.
lol, lmbt la ak smpi ipoh cmni.
ak pon cube la lelapkan mata.
bile smpi kt butterworth, ak cam tersedar.
ramai org dah naek bas tu,
including the person who are supposed to sit next to me.
a girl.

hehe, she is quite an interesting girl actually (don't get any wrong ideas).
i'll tell you why.
kt butterworth, time bas x gerak lg.
this girl ni, ak tgk ttbe bukak beg die.
guess what ape yg die kuarkan...
die kuarkan tafsir Quran.
personally ak terase sdkt malu sbb, die kuarkan tafsir Quran.
ak plak tgh syok2 dgr lagu anime...

bile bas da jalan, die pon simpan la balik tafsir Quran tu.
pass da jalan bbrp ketika, myb around 15 minit.
ttbe die tegur ak, mntk tolong tutupkan langsir sbb ak dok sblah tgkap.
ak pon, "ok", ikut je la ape yg die nk.
selepas bbrp minit (myb around 2-3 minit).
die tny ak lg, "nk ke mana?"
ak ckp la nk ke ipoh.
pastu die tny lg, "nnt berenti kt mane? medan gopeng ke?"
ak jwb kt pekan ipoh, medan kid.
pastu die mntk nnt dah smpi, tlg kejutkan die.
ak pon, "ok", ikut je la ape yg die nk.

tgh sedap2 ak dgr lagu, ak tgk2 la gak die ni,
bukannye ape, jgn pk bukan2.
ak tgk die sbb td die kte mntk tlg kejutkan.
tp die x tdo pon.
dok maen hp, tgk gamba2 lame..
susun2 balik folder gamba dlm hp die..haha
bile ak pk blk, nmpk cam die ni xde keje plak.
ak tgk muke die cam letih n nk tdo.
tp x tdo2.
pas da puas maen hp die tu, die pon mule la telelap.

dlm smbil die telelap tu, ak tgk kepala die menyenget ke arah ak je..
ak slalu tpk yg lame2 nnt mst jatuh atas bahu ak pny.
selalu dah cmni, bpe kx dah ak naek bas n tgk org sebelah tdo jatuhkan kepala ke arah ak.
tp xde la smpi landing kt bahu.
klu ak pk bende ni nk jadi, kompem x jd pny la.
pastu lpas bbrp ketika, die tbgn balik.
pas tbgn die maen hp blk, but this time die maen game.
cmne la die bole maen game time bas tgh bergerak.
penin kepala kot.

pas men game kejap, die tegur ak blk.
die tny ak, ak ni masih blajar lagi ke?
ak jwb la "aah".
die tny "blaja kt mne?"
ak jwb la "kt usm"
oo, pastu die tny lg, "dok kt ipoh kt mne?"
tiap2 kx klu org tny ak soklan ni, serius ak xtaw nk jawab ape.
ak nk jwb chepor,
tp chepor ni x femes. tkut org xtaw.
so, besenye ak ckp la tasek damai. femes la skt.
at least org perak myb tau.
tp eventhough ak ckp tasek damai, die tny "kt mane tu?"
aiyoo, ak nk jawab ape plak ni...
i don't really like long conversation ngn org yg x dkenali.
sbb ak x bese, tmbh2 lg ppuan.
ak pon tpksa la jwb care yg sgt susah.
jawapan ak tsgt la susah smpi susah utk ak xplain kt post ni...haha
pas die da puas ati ngn jawapan ak, pastu die tdo la blk.
ak pon lega, die xde nk tny pape dah.

haha, lega la sgt.
time die tgh tdo tu, kdg2 die tejage sbb balas msg family die.
cmne ak tau family die?
ofcos la, mata ak agk sharp kot walaupon da rabun jauh.
ak nmpk kt nme contact die tulis, ayah, mak, abang ngn kak ***
unless klu nme2 tu codename utk pakwe die ke spe ke..
br la ak salah guess.

smbil die begerak2 nk bwk kuar n simpan hp die tu,
tgn die asek2 kena je tepi bahu ak n tepi perut ak.
da la perut ak ni sensitif, x le spe2 sentuh..
byk kx gak la..
pas da puas balas2 msg, around lg sejam nk smpi.
die pon tdo la blk.
guess what happen.
after bbrp minit die tdo.
kepala die landing atas bahu ak.
alamak, cmne ni?
klu nk ikutkan ak nk je kejut die.
tp ak tgk die cm letih je, dr td x tdo..
if to consider religious view, ak patut kejut.
but, if to consider view of humanity, ak ptut biar die tdo sbb die letih.

no matter what action i decided to take, pls don't think badly of me ok.
pas ak puas bepikir, ak decide utk biar je die n pura2 tdo...
ak tgu mase die nk tjge je.
tp dgn agk lme gak la, die x jge2...
alamak, ape ak nk buat ni?
seriously ak blur, x taw nk buat ape.
the best thing yg ak bole come up time tu hnyalah dgn terus berpura2 tdo.
this way, klu die tbgn sdri nnt, at least klu die pasan die ttdo atas bahu ak, ak pon tgh tdo, xde la die pk ak amik kesempatan kt die.
once again, PLS DON'T THINK BADLY OF ME...
ak ni bole dikatakan mangsa keadaan...

lepas around 20 minit kot, die alihkan kepala die.
ak igt die da bgn, tp upenye die tdo lagi.
die smbung letak kepala atas bahu ak blk.
lol, this thing continues for another 10 minutes.
pastu die tesedar,
ak rase time tu mst die segan gile kot.
yg dok sblah die tu ahli keluarga die or pakwe die,make sense gak la nk landing.
ni stranger kot.
seb bek la ak ni bole dkategorikan sbg org yg baek gak la.
eventhough xde la baek sgt.
at least ak ni xde la nk amik kesempatan kt die time die tgh tdo tu.

pas die da bgn tu, da smpi tol.
mak die call.
tp die cam mamai, so die ckp kt mak die yg die x taw die dah ade kt mane dah...
haha, pastu ak ckp la da smpi tol ipoh utara.
lepas tol tu, ade la antara family die call lagi tny kt mne.
die ckp "ntah, kt jusco kot"
haha, ak tergelak dlm hati..
bas ni tgh lalu jln besar kuala kangsar kot..
mne ade jusco spjg jln kuala kangsar.
so, mmg ak ykin yg die ni most probably 1st time naek bas n x bese jalan jauh.

geli hati ak bile terkenang incident ni...
k for now...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

my 1st FTK deck

Here is what I called "Quick Draw Deck"

1x Exodia The Forbidden One
1x Left Arm of The Forbidden One
1x Right Arm of The Forbidden One
1x Left Leg of The Forbidden One
1x Right Leg of The Forbidden One
3x Blue-Eyes White Dragon
3x Flamvell Guard
3x Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon
3x The White Stone of Legend
2x Royal Magical Library

3x Card of Consonance
2x Dark Factory of Mass Production
3x Dark World Dealings
1x Graceful Charity
3x Super Rejuvenation
3x Toon Table of Contents
3x Trade-In
3x Upstart Goblin

sila2 la try combination card ni.

3 days diary

pekaba? sihat?
hmm, post ni ptutnye ak release bbrp ari lepas,
tp dsbbkan mls (common excuse), arini br terase nk tulis.

post ni btujuan nk share skt sumthing happen in three days straight.
nothing's interesting actually.
hanya sbg peringatan n pengetahuan.
I say this is gonna be a pretty long post.
(skip any unnecessary part if u don't want to get bored)

Day 1 - 13th JAN 2011

this is the beginning of a tiring day,
sbb soknye ak kene present prototype FYP n also submit individual TP.
seriously, FYP ak x siap byk mne pon,
tp kire ade la gak buat sikit (when I say "sikit", I mean "sikit")
so, plan nk present yg sikit tu je la.
so,mmg x tmbh pape lg,
sbb TP yg ptutnye anta skx time present tu, x start buat lg.

so, ak decide spjg ari ak nk wat TP je.
pg tu ak ade kls 8.30 - 10.00am, so after kls ak blk la ke bilik.
dgn harapan nk buat, tp dsbbkan sikap mls tu susah nk dbuang.
ak pon surfing2 tenet la dulu.
men fb, dlod cite, cr cite utk ddlod.
pas terase cam da xde pape nk wat, around 11.15am ak pon start la cri jurnal2yg related ngn paper yg ak nk tulis.
tgh2 syok cri jurnal, ttbe kul 11.30am letrik xde..
klu letrik je xde xpe gak, ni tenet pon putus...
adoi, da la jurnal2 paper tu ak x download lg.
time2 ak mule nk rajin gak ttbe xde letrik.
hmm, dsbbkan kepanasan, ak bukak pntu blk
lalu terjumpe *a* *a*, die kte ade notis kt lif yg kte dr kul 10am-7pm akn xde letrik...
lol, mne nk tau,da lme x nek lif, asek nek tgga je...
lantas dpd itu, ak pon x tau nk wat ape.
so, ak baring2 smbil cube mnyerap kesejukan lantai, hoho.
lpas bbrp mnt, ak ttbe tigt kt NDS ak...
haha, ni la masenye nk maen.
ak pon on NDS ak n maen game yugioh 5ds 2010 smbil melihat rumetku yg blur (x taw nk wat ape)

maen punye maen, ttbe dalam satu duel ak,
I score my very 1st FTK.
dlm byk2 duel yg ak maen, most of it just dpt OTK je...
u readers may not know what FTK n OTK mean. (rujuk legends di bawah)
FTK is not easily done. even OTK pon susah kot nk dpt.
u should know if u play current yugioh duel.

note: I'm a fan of card games, any games that involve cards will interest me best.

if u readers pnah maen n want to know the deck that i used to get that FTK,
I will list it in my next post.
pas maen, ak pon tdo jap, around kul 1-2.30pm.
kul 3-5pm ade klas lg.
dtg2 je klas, ak terkezut sbb dak2 cs majoriti xde kt c2.
yg ade just *e*, *k*, *e*d*, *e*m.
walau ke sudut mane pon ak tgk,mmg xde dak cs laen (cs melayu batch ak).
xleh blah ponteng reramai.
lepas sjam kelas tu berlalu, *e*, *k*, *e*d* and *e*m pon melarikan diri balik.
memandangkan ak baek, ak stay. (haha, puji diri sdri)
sejurus pas diorg balik, mmg tggal ak sorg la dak cs kt c2.
n looks like ak sorg je la yg tau pasal mggu ni xde klas (if ak x silap dgr).
ak tgh pk, nk g taw diorg pasal ni ke x.
sbb, klu ak gtaw or x gtaw pon sme je. majoriti mmg suke ponteng kelas yg ni.
even kalau ak x gtaw pasal klas ni cancel ni pon, ak yakin yg mmg diorg xdtg pny.
klu diorg dtg, at least tu bole jd pngajaran buat diorg.
haha, kpd mereka yg da tau pasal berita ni, sila jgn tuding jari kt ak klu korg x dtg n ttbe ade klas.
as ak da ckp, "KALAU ak x silap dgr".

that night, around 7pm, br la letrik ad blk.
so, bole la start wat TP.
gud to know that most of the jurnal yg ak jmpe tu, x tulis pape sgt pon yg bkaitan ngn projek ak.
smpi ak tpksa la ak cri tenet je supporting detailnye.

Day 2 - 14th JAN 2011

malam berlalu dgn ak wat TP smpi la pg.
pagi tu ak ade klas kul 8.30-10am gak.
mmg x tdo la nmpk gayenye.

that night x la sesunyi mane,
sbb ramai gak yg stay up wat TP cam ak.
ade gak yg stay up sbb tgk cite reality show korea...hehe

sok pagi, pas g klas, ak pon tgu mase je la b4 nk present.
supposedly kul 12pm.
tp ttbe grup cina b4 ak tu telan mase dkt sejam plak present.
last2 tpksa la postponed soknye,
xpe la, bole la ak edit2 sikit coding kt projek ak tu mlm ni.
tu yg ak plan, tp x wat pon,
sbb mngatuk,
sbb x tdo semalam, just tdo 90 minit time ptg tu je la.
ptg arini pon ak g kuar sumwhere ngn kengkawan lame....ahaks.
just kuar, xde pape yg blaku.
just makan2, shopping2, boling2...haha
time jalan2 tu, x ngntuk ke letih ke.
tp pas smpi blk, mule la still x letih..
mlm tu, pas mkn ngn jiran2 blk.
surf tenet jap, then tidor.
tpksa tggal je plan nk edit coding projek tu.
x larat da nk stay up.

Day 3 - 15th JAN 2011

uu, ari ke dua agk brief je...but yesterday was nice.
x mcm ari ke-3 ni.
this is one of my worst day ever.
supposed present kul 9.30am,
tp teamate ak, *e*m kol la sv ktorg.
die kte x smpi lg. so, *e*m ajk la g sarapan dulu.
smpat lg tu, padahal jam da kul 9.30 da pon.
klu la sv tu lum smpi skx pon, kne la tgu sne, snn t da smpi trus present.
tp lantak la diorg, diorg yg ade plan nk kuar arini, bukan ak.
sv ktorg dtg skul around kul 10++, pas da kompem da smpi, br nk g.
huh, klu da cmtu, mmg bg grup laen la present dulu.
kpd mereka 3 org ni, *e*m, *k*, *e*d*. mmg ak ak ucapkan pdn muke sbb kuar lmbt.
bnde bole abis kul 10.30, nk gak abis kul 12...
da la siap kene condemn lg tu...
uuu, sedih ak.
klu ak stay up smlm, myb bole la siap byk skt kot.
tp mmg ak x larat da nk stay up.
pas da kene tengking, ktorg blk la.

then, after solat zuhur.
ak head out ngn *k**a* g mcd, nk menenangkan hati.
then ptg kul 6.30pm, *k**a* ajk g night market.
tp ak kne cocok duit dulu, so sggah tesco dulu,
alang2 shopping la skt kt tesco.
pas tu br kuar g pasar mlm.
pas abis borong makanan, br nk smpi ke tmpt parking moto.
ade la sorg cina lelaki ni bwk kete parking betul2 blkg moto ak.
nk kene ke cina ni?
agk2 la, cmne ak nk kuarkan moto ak?
da la ak tgk die die sengih n ckp xde parking laen.
damn sungguh,klu xde parking laen, ptutnye ke die g parking blkg moto ak buat ak x leh kuar?
cap ayam tul. nk je ak bakar kete die tu.
tgh2 ak ngn *k**a* marah pasal cina tu, ttbe *k**a* terperasan sst.
n then die tny ak, " weh, mane helmet?"
lebuh suda helmet kesayangan ak...uuuu...sob2
sedih ak mengenangkan helmet ak...
ak pling syg ngn helmet tu kot...mne ade kuar dah helmet NSC.
tpk cmne la nk blk tnpe helmet ni.
kang lalu pakgad,kompem2 kene tahan.
bajet cam la klu ak cite helmet ilang ni, pakgad pcy.
so, lame gak la ak ngn *k**a* memikir, nk wat cmne?
ktorg pon, come to one initiative,
mule2, g cari mne2 kdai moto yg bukak lg n bli helmet br.
tp kdai moto yg berdekatan tutup kot.
except kt sg dua, dpan usm.
tu pon dkat2 nk tutup.
amik mse setengah jam gak la nk bli helmet br pon.
then abis la lg rm66 x 2 utk bli 2 helmet.

ish2, pling sian kt *k**a* la, br je aritu helmet die kene kebas, ni br je ganti baru.
1st day pkai helmet baru, dah ilang dah. kene la bli lagi skx.
x sgka btul ak, kt penang ni ramai org miskin ea?
ak igt negeri maju, bgunan baru, tmpt cantik.
sume org kaya2 or at least sederhana.
x pk ke brg yg diorg curi tu x halal.
x kesah la melayu ke? cina ke?india ke?
sume agama melarang pbuatan mencuri,
even berlainan ajaran, tp tiap2 agama x bg buat bende x elok.
so, kpd spe2 yg bce ni, tlg la jgn curi brg spe2 lg.

I always said that "money is not the most important thing to me", tp klu tiap2 ari brg ak kene curi, spe x marah.
igt ak byk duit ke nk bli brg br tiap2 ari?
pk2 la...

k, till then...


FYP - Final Year Project
TP - Technical Paper
NDS - Nintendo Dual Screen (game console)
FTK - First Turn Kill
OTK - One Turn Kill
NSC - ak pon x tau ape mksdnye

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

quick share...

just wanna post a little bit on something I learned today..
well, actually I've always practice it...
only that it is mention in my critical thinking class today, so I decided to share it with you all..

well, I don't really remember how the lecturer said it,
but the main idea is,
"do not trust your eyes, as it usually fools you"...
this phrase is similar to that "looks can be deceiving" and also a little bit connected to "don't judge books by its cover"...

why is it eyes always fools us?
well,my lecturer said that our visual senses is dominant to compare to the others...
he gave me an example,
when we watched movie in the cinema, there is a big screen in front and the sound system is at your back or your side.
even if the sound is coming from your back, you actually felt like the sound is coming from the screen.
it is because your visual senses (eyes) are affecting you.
your eyes made you believe that the sound is coming from the screen.

well, it depends on you readers whether you want to argue about this or not.
it is arguable (if you have some solid supporting details).
there is some truth to this...
think about it...

I just want to share.
hope you guys appreciate it...

ok for now...c'ya all later....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Annyeong haseyo (hello)...
hmm, tiap2 kx nk mule tulis blog mst ak ade mslah nk bukak cite...
nk mule cmne ea?

ok, post ni just nk share xtvt ak arini yg mungkin dipengaruhi kebengongan kepala otak ak ni...
spt yg d rancang smlm, ak g kelas arini kul 8.30am...
alhamdulillah tbgn sebelum terlajak tido...
dpercayai ak lebih dpd 60% chance ak akn terlajak tido dmasa yg akan dtg...
yela, ade 4 ari kot kelas pagi (8.30am)
seksa ak nk bgn ni...
menurut dpd tips/petua dpd dr. Fadzilah Kamsah yg ak dgr time tgk MHI pagi2 dulu (zaman sekolah rendah), klu nk senang bgn pagi dgn x rase ngntuk, kene la bgn pagi selama 2 mggu berturut2...
means 14 hari straight konsisten bgn kul 5 or 6...
klu dpt buat cmni, insyaAllah utk hari2 yg kemudian tu akn lebih senang kite nk bgn pagi.

eh, ape ak melalut ni?
kte nk post pasal bende laen...
ces, tu la, kepala ak da x betul da ni...
back to da post...

pas ak bgn, then ak g kls...10 minit TERlewat...haha
seb bek klas x start lg.
ok, xde pape yg bengong pon terjadi dlm kelas ni...
so, move on..

kls arini abis awal skt (9.30am), even start lmbt...
megikut dpd planning ak, pas klas ak nk merajinkan diri g bank,
settlekan sumthing...
tp sesudah smpi ke CIMB bank,
ramai org la plak...
ttbe rase malas nk menunggu dtg menyebok kt kepala ak ni...
ak ape lagi,
stlah d ganggu rase malas yg teramat sgt tu, ak decide nk proceed ke plan ak yg seterusnye...
pegi bank len kx la kot...

plan pas g bank nk g shopping...
bukan shopping mende pon,
skt brg yg lupe nk bli aritu je...
roti, kordial, gel rambut, berus gigi, tisu...
tp bile smpi je kt tesco sg 2,
ak terase heran da pelik,
"apsal la cam xde org plak tesco ni? da x laku ke?"
bile ak jln smpi ke dpan pntu masuk tesco tu, br ak terigt, jam menunjukkan pukul 10am...
mane la nk ramai org...tesco pon cam br nk bukak....
adoi...bole plak lupe...smgt g awal...
ak pon dgn segan silunye, berpatah la blk ke moto memikirkan ape nk buat...
proceed ke plan seterusnye? or balik bilik je?
hmm, plan pas g sopping nk g tapau makanan (either mcd or kfc)...
tp awal sgt la plak, ak nk tapau utk mkn tgh ari...
jd, ak pon cube la mmbuang rase malas yg teramat td tu jauh..
n back to plan asal...

so, back to the bank (10.15am),
settlekan la pape yg patut dulu...
dgn harapan akan telan byk mase kat bank ni...
last2, 15 minit je da settle...
lol, xde la beze mase lame mane pon...
in the end ak just mmbazir mnyak moto je lang alik x buat pape...

pas settle hal kt bank, kembali ke tesco LAGI (10.35am)...
even though still awal, masuk je la...
tp bile ak tgk dlm tesco tu, xde la x bukak pape kdai sgt pon...
klu ak masuk td pon ok je..., ak pon terus la pegi mecari brg2 yg ak nk bli sgt tu...
berus gigi no hal...senang je nk dpt,
brg kedua tu ttbe plak ade problem...
cdg nk cri gel rambut, last2 terbeli deodoran plan...adoi...membazir2..
last2, gel rambut ak x bli, gel badan yg ak beli...
hmm, pastu ak tibai kordial sarsi satu,
mmg da lme ngidam sarsi, lame x minum...
but next 2 item (tisu & roti) ak x bli plak...sbb malas...
on the other hand, ak ternampak filamen berperisa ketam...
haha, pjg nmenye, tp nk senang paham, bende yg mcm sosej tu , tp perisa ketam...ala, wane putih merah tu...
ak pon d pengaruhi nafsu nk mknnye, bli la sebungkus,
plan nk mkn megi mlm ni berlaukkan ketam yg d awet...
lepas tu, ak pon cepat2 g kaunter, byr sume brg ni, b4 ak tergerak nk bli bende laen plak..
klu nk bli ikut nafsu ak, mau bankrap ak arini gak...

then ak proceed la ke plan seterusnye (plan asal)...
either nk g mcd or kfc...
nk g mcd sbb nk twister fries, kfc plak sbb nk cube menu baru...
setelah bbrp minit pk smbil duk atas moto...
ak pon decide nk g kfc la...try menu baru...
mane la tau sedap ke ape...
bile tbe kt kfc je (11.10am)..
bukak pntu je, trus bunyi bising...
ade golongan2 mude chinese yg gelak terbahak2 mcm la ak kesah ngn ape yg diorg gelakkan tu...
bukannye nk senyap skt kt tmpt public...
seb bek ak nk take away...
pas da order tu, cik kfc tu kte kne tgu kejap la plak...
bukan tu je, die kte arini xde beg plastik...
aik,kfc pon xde plastik ari isnin, selasa, rabu ke?
ak br tau..
mmndgkan menu baru tu (cheezy zinger crunch) amik masa nk siap...
tpaksa la merajinkan diri menunggu smbil mendengar dak2 cina ni memekak...
ttbe, ade abg kfc ni dtg bg air kt ak...
aik? die slah anta order ke?
upenye kfc ade bg air free..
1st time ak dpt air free dpd kfc...
xtaw la korg penah ke x...
klu x penah, sila2 la g kfc, order menu take away yg agak2 mcm take time nk siap...
haha, semata2 sbb nk air free je...
lepas 10 minit tgu, x siap2 lg kot...
ape da lame nk buat 1 bege je pon...
next few second, dtg la sorg lelaki yg agak rendah... standard height *zr* je kot...
dtg nk mntk keje smbilan...
ttbe terigt plak zaman2 pas SPM dulu, ak pny la smgt g cri keje...
cume time tu ak ade mntk keje kt kfc, tp x dpt...
budak ni dpt plak borg utk diisi, ak dulu x dpt pon..
agknye nk keje kfc ni qualificationnye kne masuk U dulu kot...(HAHAHA)
lelaki rendah tu pon isi la borg tu kt meja yg ak duduk, since that xde tmpt laen yg vacant...
bia je la...jap g ak nk gerak da pon...
pas tu, kedengaran bege ak siap...
agk lame gak la...abg yg sme yg bg ak air free td yg tlg antakan...
smbil2 ak nk gerak balik ni, terdengar la lelaki rendah ni tny abg tu pasal gaji...
abg tu ckp ok...pastu die tny bpe lame keje sni...
abg tu ckp, smggu...HAHAHA
adoi, br smggu kot...ak igt da lame....
ye la,mne ak nk tau, asek2 singgah mcd je...
lame da x g kfc sg 2...

anyway, tu je kot...
ak post ni pon sje nk mmbuang mase...
tgh blur x tau nk buat ape...
till next time,
au revoir....

P/S : to u readers, tolong la jgn tny kenapa ak malas, sbb ak pon x taw nape...