
Monday, February 28, 2011


Bly: hey, Zoe!!!
Bly: Zoe!!!!!!!!!!

Zoe: sheet la...
Zoe: apahal?

Bly: oyeah...
Bly: penantian ak selaman ni telah pon mendatangkan hasil
Bly: hari ni 2 berita baik buat ak...
Bly: tapi malang skx ade at least 2 berita x bpe nk baek la plak....

Zoe: hmmm
Zoe: ok, ko cite dulu ape 2 berita baik tu...
Zoe: pas tu ko cite 2 berita x bpe nk baek tu plak...
Zoe: spy last2 nnt ko berenti tulis blog dgn prasaan x gembira...

Bly: damn...
Bly: ko mmg jahat laaa...
Bly: x mcm ak, baek....

Zoe: uwekkkkk....

Bly: first, arini akhirnya berjaya memperoleh file yugioh 5ds world championship 2011...
Bly: thnx to my fren yg beraya mendownloadnye.
Bly: so, bole la ak maen....
Bly: yahooo....

Zoe: lagi 1?

Bly: lagi 1
Bly: yugioh 5ds episod 149 akhirnya kuar download link kt animea
Bly: supposed kuar ahd kot...
Bly: tp mlm ni gak br nk kuar...

Zoe: ek eleh, sehari je pon kuar lmbt

Bly: mmg la hakikatnye sehari.
Bly: tp klu menunggu ni, sehari bagaikan seribu hari tau x?

Zoe: hmmm, yela...
Zoe: so, ape berita buruknye?

Bly: bile plak ak ckp buruk?
Bly: ak ckp x bpe nk baek je...

Zoe: lebey krg la tu...

Bly: yg x bpe nk baeknye...
Bly: ak x le men file nds ni kt NDS ak...
Bly: tpksa men kt emulator...

Zoe: lol...
Zoe: npe plak xbley?

Bly: ntah...
Bly: sumthing about anti piracy yg diorg bult dlm file br ni kot...

Zoe: tu la ko..
Zoe: suke sgt gune brg pirate...
Zoe: g hack NDS tu wat pe...
Zoe: men la pakai tape..

Bly: gile mahal nk pakai tape...
Bly: satu game pon da cecah 50 hengget...
Bly: lgpon bek ak hack...
Bly: at least murah skt...
Bly: tmbh plak, klu ak x hack, bukan la dak cs nmenye...

Zoe: eleh...mcm la ko yg hack...
Zoe: org laen hack, ko tlg maen je...

Bly: shhhhh
Bly: no one has to know that, so zip it....

Zoe: hmmm...
Zoe: lg satu?

Bly: lagi satu, sok ak ade mock interbiu....
Bly: mlm ni kene wat resume la plak...
Bly: x bole la nk maen...

Zoe: tu je?

Bly: tu je la kot...

Zoe: klu tu je bek x payah....

Bly: ko blk2 x payah...
Bly: klu ak x tulis sumthing..
Bly: nnt abis la blog ak inactive...
Bly: k la...
Bly: at least i'll tell u guys sumthing useful...

cite yugioh yg ak dlod tu sbnarnye dr link filesonic...
just so you know, kt USM ni, filesonic kene blok sbnarnye...
so how ak dpt dlod from link tu?
haha....i think among us USMians..
i'm the first one to know this method...
i've told to someone about this...
but i don't know whether he/she has told others or not...
so, as a token of thanks for reading my blog...
i'll reveal the way to bypass filesonic...

see this 2 links below? Gi Oh 5D’s - 149.mkv Gi Oh 5D’s - 149(.)mkv

so...i'm gonna ask u guys a few question...

which one is valid link?
if ur answer is the 1st one...
ur wrong...
if ur answer is the 2nd one...
ur wrong also....
both of the links is actually valid...
if ur using any means of internet without security settings that blocks certain page ie: broadband...
u can verify that these 2 links can be opened...

which one can be opened by USMSecure wifi connection?
ur answer is right if u choose the second one...

as i said, filesonic is blocked in USM (at the present)....
so, concealing the final dots before file type with parentheses enable USM wifi user's to access it...
i don't know how it works...
but it works...
hehe:D (xplaination yg sgt xle blah)
but the only dots that u can conceal with parentheses is the dots before file type...
such as, ".rar" , ".mkv" ".avi" and so fort...
this method cannot works against ".html", ".php" n seangkatan dgnnye...
i'm not sure about other sites...
myb bole gune method ni...
but myb not...
you just have to experiment it urselves...

till then...

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