
Saturday, February 26, 2011

killing time...

here i am...
sitting in front of lappy didn't know what to do...

Bly: hey...Zoe...
Bly: are you there?

Zoe: ...........

Bly: ???

Zoe: (-_-)....zzzzZZZZ

Zoe da tdo la plak...
never mind...
abg ak br je gtaw yg kakak ak x lama lg nk besalin dah...
myb around a fortnight...
i hope it's a girl...
because my previous nephew is a boy...
as the name suggested "nephew", of course la boy....
xkan girl plak...
that's why i hope this time it's a girl...
no particular reason....(i wonder why i kept saying these words)

tpk gak...
cmne la muke anak sedara ak yg akan dtg ni...
well, i'm kinda excited...
walaopon dulu ak agk x leh terima hakikat yg ak da mjd seorang paksu yg msih blaja...
but now, i'm kinda used of being called "paksu"...
not that i like it...but i don't hate it either...

ak da x sabar nk blk umah nk jumpe anak sedara ak yg nombor 2 secara official...
i'm just waiting for a reply regarding that matters...
and i'm off to ipoh for a week....
nah, just kiddin'
myb for 2-3 days...
since that monday is my official day off...
so, bole la blk utk 3 ari...

speaking of blk umah...
sok rumet ak da nk fly blk utk seminggu la plak...
camne ak nk dlod naruto ni?
broadband spe ak nk tibai?

terpaksa bersabar utk seminggu dua ni...
tp ape pon...
diharap sok pagi rumet ak ni membuta la smpi tgh ari...
ak nk cilok broadband die jap...

seminggu dok kesorgan kt blk nnt nk buat ape ye?
even ngn ade rumet pon cam boring nk mampus....
tpksa la bersuka ria wat fyp...
what was this post for?
dun ask me...
i'm just simply killin' time, till i feel sleepy....
well, i'm not yawn yet...
but i don't know what to write either....
so, i guess i'll just stop here...


fortnight - 2 weeks

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