hola everyone...
at last, I'm finally relieved from CSUSM.
as today is the last day of my exam week (just for me and certain students)
huh, now what...
agknye ape yg menantiku pasni?
hmm, x taw la...
actually ak x taw nk post ape ni...
I think this might be the last post for this blog...
now that i think of it, terase sedih plak nk melepaskan blog ak yg ni...
byk kenangan ak ngn blog ni...
kt blog ni la bermulenye something very special utk ak...
n kat blog ni gak la tempat ak meluahkan perasaan...
not to mention, kt blog ni la gak ak share some secrets yg ak x snggup nk cite to someone I trust the most.
to those who were following this blog, I thank you from the deep of my heart...
I don't think my blog is something special...
but you guys (followers & readers) made it so...
bile memikirkan yg ni might be the last post in this blog, somehow ak terase sedih plak...
hehe, I keep talking about followers.
tp ade 2 je kot followers...
seb bek 2, at least ak bole la letak urup 's' kt blkg so that it becomes plural...hehe
ever since I started blogging here, ak x pnah mention nme org...
n awal2 dulu, ak x mention pon nme tempat or anything yg nama khas (noun)...
tp, semenjak da ujung2 ni, ak reveal at least nme tempat n other things except name...
ala, even klu ak gune codename pon, i guess you guys could have guessed to whom I've been reffering to.
if by any chance, korg x tau gak, at the very least ak reveal the codename yg ak gune utk followers ak...
since that ade 2 followers je, senang la nk reveal...xyh wat list pjg..haha
the first one to follow this blog is referred to as Ms. T and sometimes ak ade gak refer her to XXX dlm blog ni...
why Ms. T?
ade lah..hehe
the other one, is referred to Mr. X, I guess this guy tau npe ak letak codename die Mr. X...hehe
futtari to mo no saiko da....
boku no na wa yuujin toshite anata o motte kounda...(betul ke x bhsa jepun ak ni, haha bajet cam paham jepun)...
now that I think of it...
early when I came here to USM,
ak rasmikan first sem ak kt sni dgn tgk cite "Full Metal Panic" the first anime yg ak bli/dlod kt usm ni...
not to mention, this is the first comedy romantic anime yg ak tgk...
one of my favourite...
sebelum ni ak x pnah pon tgk anime yg bergenre comedy romantic...
ever since, mcm2 other comedy romantic anime yg ak dlod, eg: "nagasarete airantou" and "honey & clover"
I strongly recommend you guys to watch it.
last few weeks, ak br je ulang blk tgk cite Full Metal Panic tu...
I can't believe how fast time have past by
in this 3 years, ak dah dlod over 400 lagu anime from gendou.com sahaja...
excluding from other site...
it's not something yg membanggakan ke ape,
but just thinking about it, made me realize that I have been wasting my time doing things as I pleasure...
not that klu ak tpk cmni, ak akan insaf sebegitu mudah...hehe
just reminded, but no action is taken...hoho..
I always wonder if there's someone, other than my two followers, read my blog or not...
mne la tau, klu2 coincidence org berkenaan terjumpe blog ak time tgh nk google ke ape ke...
bile ckp pasal bce blog ni, teringat ak kt blog lame ak...hehe
inactive trus...last post was on 29th march 2010...
da lebih stahun...
I guess it's high time for me to return there...
or mybe just leave it obsolete...
there's so many things I want to say...
but there's too many things that I cannot tell....
I guess this is the end....
the last post for repliforce...
the last post from a nonimes
I hope this will not be the last post...
since that kt umah ak xde tenet, who knows how long ak akan off9...
might be forever...
so, if ade kesempatan...
InsyaAllah ak akan write something here....
I'm gonna miss you guys...
till next time, au revoir....
CSUSM - Coolest Subject Untuk Student Malaysia
huu... jgn la jadi last post..
ReplyDeleteada masa, update la lg.. :D