rndu kpd *eku* terubat juga...
setelah arini *aja* menghalau ak...
xpe la, x kesah pon...
asalkan dpt dok *eku*...
ptutnye camtu la, tp sob2....
ada ke patut *PP* x bg ak register dok situ utk 2 mggu b4 masuk sem...
jahat tul *PP* ni...
smpi ati bia ak yg keletihan seret brg ngn bjalan kaki dr *aja* ke *eku* ni x dpt blk....
adoi, da la brg ak byk...
angkut skx gus plak tu,
brg2 berupa beg polo berisi penuh ngn baju2 etc mcm2 lg la...
then beg laptop yg also berisi penuh ngn brg2 laptop n brg yg x berkaitan ngn laptop...
lagi dua plastik besar yg satunye berisi kipas, n lagi satu berisi kasut, n brg2 yg bukan kasut...
plus satu beg galas yg berisi keje2 yg kene siapkan mlm ni klu bole n bende2 yg bukan keje yg kene siap mlm ni....adoi...
letih kot...
klu takat bejalan dr *aja* ke *eku* xpe gak, ni siap kene angkut brg2 yg mmberikan ak sakit bahu pabila smpi d *eku*...
tmbh plak, kne tgu kaunter bukak lg tu.
kte bukak kul 9, last2 bukak kul 10...
pnat2 je ak smpi awal...
pastu bile kaunter da bukak, kene la bratur plak....adeh
ramai kot...
xpe la, tgu je la
pny la lame beratur, ttbe bila nk apply bilik, kte x le apply plak....
teseksa ak ngn *PP* ni...
nk apply kene ade nme dr *aja* plak....
susah tul, tpksa la isi borg blk try mntk ats nme *era* n *a*,
pastu nme diorg pon xde gak, sbb diorg apply smpi 27hb je...
klu nk apply kne ade resit, huh...
tpksa la *era* g blik bilik amik resit yg ntah kt mane...
ak plak tpksa la mnuggu kt kafe lg smpi la ade resit....
pas da ade resit br bole apply...
tu pon agk susah,nk mntk pass ni la, pass tu la....
ni sok die nk tgk pass plak, pas ak n *atno* ade, *era* n *a* xde...
tp apply *eku* tu ats nme diorg,
klu nk tjk kne la bg pass yg nmediorg pny, tp diorg nk blah dah 30hb ni...
ktorg yg nk gune pass tu...
tu yg prob ni...da la ade keje nk kene siap mlm ni...
rse lenguh2 badan x ilang lg ni...
hmm, buat je la....bukannye nk kene wat keje brat pon..
ngadap laptop je....cume bosan la....
huh, pe yg ak merapu ni?
ntah la...k la...bubye
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
am I really that timid?
am I really that useless?
does people noticed my existence?
like it or not, I am really exist.
and I am here.
but it seems, no matter what I do...
people still don't acknowledge me.
I know that I've done some awful things in the past.
I also know that I've done a lot of good things.
but it is a nature that once a person do even one tiny bad things,
people will hate him/her forever...
it's like seeing a blank white-coloured paper with one black dots in the center.
people will only notice the tiny black dots,
they don't even realize how big the white-coloured paper is...
I always kept my Principe "be nice to everyone"...
I know that most people don't think like I do...
most of them believe that the should be nice to their friends and family,
or maybe be nice to anyone except someone who's bad.
but I believe that you should be nice to everyone, even to your arch enemy...
I don't mind if they think I'm the most evil-lazy-stupid person in the world, cuz I don't care...
but I do mind when they do that and then take advantage from me...
when I'm trying to be nice, ignoring me is the only thing that they do.
when they need help, I'm the last person the would ask for, even though I'm closest to them and I'm the one that can help...
you know how it feels to be ignored...but seriously, I don't really mind about that...
BUT, after they didn't get what they ask for from someone else, then they would come to seek my help...
what was that for?
I'm the CLOSEST but I'm the LAST in their list...
what kind of people would treat others like that...
since that I'm close to them, I know what they are doing, so I know they in need of help...
They just ignore me in the beginning, and now they are asking for my help so their problems can be settled...
what kind of self-centered person are they?
if possible, I wanna keep my distant away from community,
so that none of these problems can occur and affect me.
cuz, the more you know people, the more you will hate them...
only by accepting others weakness and bad habit can help you overcome this..
I know and I'm sure everyone has weakness and their own bad habits...
but if this weakness and bad habits is the reason for you to hate them,
then you're never be able to overcome your weakness...
and you'll never find a true friends...
and now,
I don't think that I should be nice to everyone.
I don't have to even try to understand their feelings.
I don't have to share anything with them.
cuz it will only hurt me a lot.
gimme one good reason why should I care about people who don't even at least try to be nice to me?
am I really that useless?
does people noticed my existence?
like it or not, I am really exist.
and I am here.
but it seems, no matter what I do...
people still don't acknowledge me.
I know that I've done some awful things in the past.
I also know that I've done a lot of good things.
but it is a nature that once a person do even one tiny bad things,
people will hate him/her forever...
it's like seeing a blank white-coloured paper with one black dots in the center.
people will only notice the tiny black dots,
they don't even realize how big the white-coloured paper is...
I always kept my Principe "be nice to everyone"...
I know that most people don't think like I do...
most of them believe that the should be nice to their friends and family,
or maybe be nice to anyone except someone who's bad.
but I believe that you should be nice to everyone, even to your arch enemy...
I don't mind if they think I'm the most evil-lazy-stupid person in the world, cuz I don't care...
but I do mind when they do that and then take advantage from me...
when I'm trying to be nice, ignoring me is the only thing that they do.
when they need help, I'm the last person the would ask for, even though I'm closest to them and I'm the one that can help...
you know how it feels to be ignored...but seriously, I don't really mind about that...
BUT, after they didn't get what they ask for from someone else, then they would come to seek my help...
what was that for?
I'm the CLOSEST but I'm the LAST in their list...
what kind of people would treat others like that...
since that I'm close to them, I know what they are doing, so I know they in need of help...
They just ignore me in the beginning, and now they are asking for my help so their problems can be settled...
what kind of self-centered person are they?
if possible, I wanna keep my distant away from community,
so that none of these problems can occur and affect me.
cuz, the more you know people, the more you will hate them...
only by accepting others weakness and bad habit can help you overcome this..
I know and I'm sure everyone has weakness and their own bad habits...
but if this weakness and bad habits is the reason for you to hate them,
then you're never be able to overcome your weakness...
and you'll never find a true friends...
and now,
I don't think that I should be nice to everyone.
I don't have to even try to understand their feelings.
I don't have to share anything with them.
cuz it will only hurt me a lot.
gimme one good reason why should I care about people who don't even at least try to be nice to me?
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Post that was only short after another...huhu
Hello again,
for this one, I don't feel like writing in Malay...
so, bare with my messy-broken English, huhu...
I just wanna tell u guys about what hav been happenin' to me in last couple of days. (including today)
Yesterday is the day my sister got married (2nd in family),
it's been about 4-5 years since my brother got married (1st in family).
at long last, the time has come for my sister to start living in her own family.
but still, I wish that her marriage will last forever...
yesterday was a blast...
some of my frens did come.
some from USM and some from secondary school.
it was pretty hectic though and tiring too.
even though I do the least work, hahaha...
that night, comes the part for my sister to open the present that was received...
the event is fun especially watching my cute nephew's (1y 2m) behaviour...
seeing all that (my sister's marriage, my nephew's act etc.),
I felt like I wanna have my own happy family too.
hmm, when will I get married and have my own child?..hehe (dreaming a while)
Today's morning, everyone (except me) work hard to clean up all the mess from the ceremony.
until afternoon, it's about time I went to the bus station...
the driver late over 30minute...damn, waiting is one of the hardest thing to do...
right after I arrived, I'm happy to know that I can't enter my room...(damn)
I thought that *k* has already arrived safely at *S*...
huh, so, I just go to lab 1 to spend some time till he got back...
then, a few moment later, tears suddenly channels along the bottom of my eyes...
not sure y...don't mind bout that, mybe just dust...
right after Isya' prayer, *k* finally got back, and I also can go to bath...
haha, not too detailed right...
even when I read this post back, I couldn't describe the story...
& I don't even know y I wrote this post...
nevertheless, what done is done....
just read & ignore anything unnecassary..:))
for this one, I don't feel like writing in Malay...
so, bare with my messy-broken English, huhu...
I just wanna tell u guys about what hav been happenin' to me in last couple of days. (including today)
Yesterday is the day my sister got married (2nd in family),
it's been about 4-5 years since my brother got married (1st in family).
at long last, the time has come for my sister to start living in her own family.
but still, I wish that her marriage will last forever...
yesterday was a blast...
some of my frens did come.
some from USM and some from secondary school.
it was pretty hectic though and tiring too.
even though I do the least work, hahaha...
that night, comes the part for my sister to open the present that was received...
the event is fun especially watching my cute nephew's (1y 2m) behaviour...
seeing all that (my sister's marriage, my nephew's act etc.),
I felt like I wanna have my own happy family too.
hmm, when will I get married and have my own child?..hehe (dreaming a while)
Today's morning, everyone (except me) work hard to clean up all the mess from the ceremony.
until afternoon, it's about time I went to the bus station...
the driver late over 30minute...damn, waiting is one of the hardest thing to do...
right after I arrived, I'm happy to know that I can't enter my room...(damn)
I thought that *k* has already arrived safely at *S*...
huh, so, I just go to lab 1 to spend some time till he got back...
then, a few moment later, tears suddenly channels along the bottom of my eyes...
not sure y...don't mind bout that, mybe just dust...
right after Isya' prayer, *k* finally got back, and I also can go to bath...
haha, not too detailed right...
even when I read this post back, I couldn't describe the story...
& I don't even know y I wrote this post...
nevertheless, what done is done....
just read & ignore anything unnecassary..:))
Top 10 my favorite anime songs for week 23 year 2010
This post was supposed to be posted yesterday.
tp mmandangkan ak agk bz, so, skunk la br nk post...
I'm gonna make it short this time coz there's another post coming shortly...
Ai no hoshi
Ah my goddess: Tatakau tsubasa

Piece of Peace
Rockman Exe

Hanamuke no Melody
Ah my Goddess: Tatakau tsubasa

For you
Naruto Shippuuden
Natsu no Maboroshi
Garnet Crow
Detective Conan

Koibito Doushi
Ah my Goddess: Sorezore no tsubasa

Say Cheese
Yui Horie
Nagasarete Airantou

Koisuru Tenkizu
Yui Horie
Nagasarete Airantou

Toumei Datta Sekai
Motohiro Hatta
Naruto Shippuuden
Trust You
Yuna Ito
Gundam 00 2nd season

Sory sbb x dpt upload gamba naruto shippuuden dah....
thnx to *S*Hotspot....
neway, for this week, same song still remain on top, "Ai no Hoshi"...
bgus2, da 3 minggu da lagu ni jd most faveret ak...
agk2 mggu dpan cmne la ek?
till then, later.....
Colour code:
Song's title
This post was supposed to be posted yesterday.
tp mmandangkan ak agk bz, so, skunk la br nk post...
I'm gonna make it short this time coz there's another post coming shortly...
Ai no hoshi
Ah my goddess: Tatakau tsubasa

Piece of Peace
Rockman Exe

Hanamuke no Melody
Ah my Goddess: Tatakau tsubasa

For you
Naruto Shippuuden
Natsu no Maboroshi
Garnet Crow
Detective Conan

Koibito Doushi
Ah my Goddess: Sorezore no tsubasa

Say Cheese
Yui Horie
Nagasarete Airantou

Koisuru Tenkizu
Yui Horie
Nagasarete Airantou

Toumei Datta Sekai
Motohiro Hatta
Naruto Shippuuden
Trust You
Yuna Ito
Gundam 00 2nd season

Sory sbb x dpt upload gamba naruto shippuuden dah....
thnx to *S*Hotspot....
neway, for this week, same song still remain on top, "Ai no Hoshi"...
bgus2, da 3 minggu da lagu ni jd most faveret ak...
agk2 mggu dpan cmne la ek?
till then, later.....
Colour code:
Song's title
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