as I said yesterday,
akan ade post pasal review movie "Last Airbender".
hmm, y I intent to write this?
becoz, ak br je tgk movie ni bbrp ari yg lepas eventhough it has been released for quite some time.
terus terang ak ckp,
kpd sesape yg blum tgk movie ni,
korg mmg sgt la beruntung...
sbb, korg da jimat lebih dpd 100 minit dpd idup korg utk dibelanjakan pada bende2 yg laen.
personally, ak mmg x puas ati ngn cite ni..
ak ni agk minat la gak ngn sirinye yg ditayangkan d TV3, TV9 and NICKELODEON which entitled "Avatar: The Last Airbender".
siri ni ade 3 season
-Book 1: Water(20 ep)
-Book 2: Earth(20 ep)
-Book 3: Fire(21 ep)
utk siri ni, ak mmg encourage korg tgk.
ak rase most people will love these series.
it's hilarious, ade mcm2 pedoman dan tauladan,some new english terms n words to be learn, n the storyline is quite nice.
BUT, movienye sgt la x memberansangkan...
1st of all, ak x taw la npe die xnk wat tajuk movie tu "Avatar"...
just because some other movie known as "AVATAR",
it doesn't matter if the title is almost the same,
bole je letak "Avatar,the last airbender"...
bile ak dgr je diorg wat tjuk "the last airbender", ak rase cam x smgt nk tgk...
title yg agak tergantung, especially klu movie based on series...
tp, that's small matter..
ak x kesah la sgt tjuknye ape...
at least ak tau la cite tu cmne.
but seriously, storyline movie ni sgt tergantung n x lengkap...
this what happen when you try to simplify a whole series to a movie...
not to mention a very BAD ending...
ak mule2 igt movie ni die nk combine sume season 1,2,3.
tp endingnye hanya tkat until season 1.
klu korg penanh tgk Avatar series season 1, korg tau la mcm mne tergantungnye ending tu...
so, does that means akan ade movie ke-2 sbg smbungan movie ni?
myb diorg nk wat, tp sgt la x ptut klu diorg continue..
sbb dlm movie ni diorg byk skip scene2 yg penting, also character2 yg wajib ade dlm movie ni pon bole xde.
for example,
Suki girl who supposed to be Sokka's girlfriend.
Master Paku, the water bending master who teaches Aang and Katara.
Jeong Jeong, Ex-Fire Nation General who becomes a deserter and teaches some fire bending discipline to Aang.
the mechanist who lives in the Northern Air Temple his name is unknown.
Haru and his father Tyro, earth benders from a small coal mine village in Earth Kingdom.
Jet, Smellerbie(ejaan x dapat dpastikan), Long Shot, Pip Squeak and The Duke who are also known as the Freedom Fighters.
Bumi, Aang's old friend from Omashu.
Avatar Roku, Avatar before Aang which also Aang's past life.
and also some other character that might be important.
kenape ak mention sume character kt atas ni?
sbb, klu movie ni ade sambungannye (means movie ke2), citenye akn jd mkin tergantung or worse, movie tu jd x logic....
sbb, sume character ni akan appear kt dlm scene penting in season 2 or 3.
klu die wat smbungan, cmne die nk sumbat sume watak2 penting ni.
that's why ak rase better this is the only movie,
no sambungan...
tp, mcm ak ckp, movie ni endingnye tergantung...
so, kite dah ade deadlock here...
good to know that a lot of money has been spent utk movie yg tergantung n x logic..
plus, actor2nye sgt la professional. membuatkan ak rase nk benti tgk movie tu on the spot.
actor yg newbie (newb/noob) langsung x berjaya nk menghayati watak2 diorg even for just one scene.
spjg mase ak tgk movie ni, kaku je ak...
also, setahu ak.utk siri avatar. diorg wat research pasal art move.
diorg jdkan movement art tu sbg bending movement to be applied in the series which is really good.
tp,klu utk movie ni ak x tau la diorg wat ke x,
klu korg perasan, bole nmpk yg dlm movie ni, there's too many unnecessary bending movements.
overall, I'm really disappointed ngn movie ni...
especially ngn pelakon yg carry watak Sokka...(damn)
Sokka is supposed to be funny, tp mlg skx, ak xde rase nk gelak lgsg spjg movie tu.
not that die xde wat lawak, cume lawak yg die buat lgsg x lawak...so, patut ke akckp die buat lawak?
bole tahan gak pjg review ak ni...igt nk cite skt2 je...
this is just personal opinion.
kepada sesiapa yg suke ngn movie ni,pls don't take my review seriously...
just a point of view to be shared with everyone...
till next time...
Monday, December 27, 2010
welcum back
I'm back...
did you miss me?
well, you should be...
2 mggu x keudara, xkan x miss skt kot...
hmm, i just got a lot of idea for blog post time cuti ni...
hehe, just want to share sumthing to you reader(s)...
take note k...
2 weeks ago,
ak br la dpt mule start cuti kt rumah ku yg terchenta...
just want to that, time tu ak balik ke *po* mnunggang motor...
1st time actually...
bukan 1st time nek moto,tp 1st time jalan jauh (naik high way) bawak moto sdri...
klu x selama ni either naek moto/kete ngn ayah/abg/kakak or kawan2 je...
so, just want to share sumthing about "what are the DO and DON'T klu nk bejalan jauh naek moto"(not kete, kete laen kes)
1. pastikan moto da diservis dulu
-minyak itam da ganti -> ak pon xtaw la utk ape mnyk itam ni sbnrnye, tp ayh ak suh tuka, so tuka je la
-brake da ketat -> kang t klu2 ttbe ade bende tpacak kt depan ke ape ke, snng la nk brake
-tayar x pancit (ofcoz la, klu pancit, cmne nk jalan) -> ni mst la korg paham npe, klu tayar pancit sme la cam jalan kaki cume d tambah beban nk kene tolak moto
-lampu moto sentiasa bercahaya -> utk pengetahuan org2 yg x taw, moto is different from car. lampu kete on time mlm je wajib...klu moto, wajib on stiap mase, nk tau npe?tny la en. JPJ ak pon x taw. klu ade org ckp yg lampu moto ni bole on/off, tolong la jgn pcy. mne ade moto yg bole on/off lampu depan n blkg. yg bole on/off lampu tu sbb tuan moto tu kedekut sgt nk ganti mentol lampu depan die yg da tbakar.lampu signal bole la on/off...haha
2. pakai jacket/sweater/anything that can be classified as such. -> sbb nnt kt hiway nk bawak laju. so semestinye angin kuat n sejuk. especially klu travel pagi or mlm.
3. pakai kasut (not slipar/sandle) -> aritu ak pakai slipar, sian kaki ak kena serang ngn batu2 spjg pjalanan n also kite xnk la berlaku kes tercicir slipar kt hiway. haha, bole la ttbe slipar ttanggal plak...
4. jgn pki helmet yg x ketat -> y? mst ko pk sbb safety kan2?of coz la...tp ak sarankan pakai helmet ketat ni sbb, aritu ak pnjm helmet *k*, x ketat langsung.spjg pjalanan ak kt hiway tu telinga ak bedesing ngn bunyi angin je. smpi naek pekak ak.
5. helmet better klu ade visor -> klu xde visor kang, mne la tau tgh2 syok jalan laju, ttbe ade kumbang masuk mata, serangga ape ke, habuk ke, ape2 yg possible la.
6. jalan kt bahu jalan -> moto ni bukannye laju cam kete, so klu xnk kene lenyek ngn kete ferrari kt hiway tu, sila2 la kekalkan posisi kt bahu jalan, except klu nk memotong or nk avoid exit/hentian
7. pakai glove -> dnasihatkan pakai glove sbb takut nnt tgn melecet sbb pgang handle lame sgt. certain moto ni (cam moto ak) handlenye x bape user-friendly. also, kadang batu yg melompat kene kaki tu, mampu melompat smpi kne tgn.
8. bergerak dgn kawan -> seelok2nya bergerak atleast berdua. y? sbb mne la tau klu tayar ttbe pancit sbb tlanggar paku ke, x pasan mnyk abis ke, at least kawan bole tlg.tp jgn la g race ngn kawan kt hiway tu plak, kang tayar x pancit, nyawa yg pancit kang...
hmm, tu je kot..myb ade lg, tp ni je yg ak teringat...
seronok dpt dok kt rumah, tiap2 hari maen nds, tengok cite pastu men nds balik...
tu la cycle ak kt umah.
owh,bckp pasal cite, one of it is "the last airbender", ak akan wat review pasal cite ni on the next post...
ouh, i wanna say thanx to mr. X, ms. Q & ms. T for the bday wish...(mksd ak through phone, not fb)
trimas sbb still remember me, hope we can be frens forever and always.
& nk adiah...hehe...
hmm, ape lg nk tulis?
ooo, br teringat..
kakak ak nk bertunang next chinese new year,
who would have thought?
my other sister which is 4 years older than this one,br je kawen bbrp bulan lepas.
so, ak assume yg lmbt lg la kakak ak yg lagi sorg ni nk mendekati alam pernikahan...
supposedly, ak assume, kakak ak yg kecik ni myb akan kawen pas 4 tahun kakak ak yg besar ni kawen,
tp klu da tunangnye sebulan lg, most probably da dekat...
xkan la nk betunang smpi 4-5 tahun...
KATEKAN la klu kakak ak yg kecik ni kawen tahun depan,
means 3 years later ak kawen ke time tu? sbb ak mude 3 tahun dpd kakak ak yg kecik ni...
rumus yg masih diragui bole dterima pakai or x...
ak nk kawen lg next 3-4 years?
haha, calon pon xde lagi...
couple pon blum...
asam garam bercouple pon x rase lagi..haha
some of my frens said, " klu time couple, x clash skx mmg x sah."haha, I have no further comments on that..
hmm, kepada sesiapa yg terasa nk singgah rumah ak this chinese new year utk majlis pertunangan kakak ak ni, sila2 la dtg...more specifically 5th feb 2011...
ok, myb that's all...
idea da mule menghilang da ni...
x igt ape nk tulis da...
like i said, time cutimmg byk idea...tp bile da ade tenet, idea pon mule terhakis dpd fikiran...
till next time...
see ya..
did you miss me?
well, you should be...
2 mggu x keudara, xkan x miss skt kot...
hmm, i just got a lot of idea for blog post time cuti ni...
hehe, just want to share sumthing to you reader(s)...
take note k...
2 weeks ago,
ak br la dpt mule start cuti kt rumah ku yg terchenta...
just want to that, time tu ak balik ke *po* mnunggang motor...
1st time actually...
bukan 1st time nek moto,tp 1st time jalan jauh (naik high way) bawak moto sdri...
klu x selama ni either naek moto/kete ngn ayah/abg/kakak or kawan2 je...
so, just want to share sumthing about "what are the DO and DON'T klu nk bejalan jauh naek moto"(not kete, kete laen kes)
1. pastikan moto da diservis dulu
-minyak itam da ganti -> ak pon xtaw la utk ape mnyk itam ni sbnrnye, tp ayh ak suh tuka, so tuka je la
-brake da ketat -> kang t klu2 ttbe ade bende tpacak kt depan ke ape ke, snng la nk brake
-tayar x pancit (ofcoz la, klu pancit, cmne nk jalan) -> ni mst la korg paham npe, klu tayar pancit sme la cam jalan kaki cume d tambah beban nk kene tolak moto
-lampu moto sentiasa bercahaya -> utk pengetahuan org2 yg x taw, moto is different from car. lampu kete on time mlm je wajib...klu moto, wajib on stiap mase, nk tau npe?tny la en. JPJ ak pon x taw. klu ade org ckp yg lampu moto ni bole on/off, tolong la jgn pcy. mne ade moto yg bole on/off lampu depan n blkg. yg bole on/off lampu tu sbb tuan moto tu kedekut sgt nk ganti mentol lampu depan die yg da tbakar.lampu signal bole la on/off...haha
2. pakai jacket/sweater/anything that can be classified as such. -> sbb nnt kt hiway nk bawak laju. so semestinye angin kuat n sejuk. especially klu travel pagi or mlm.
3. pakai kasut (not slipar/sandle) -> aritu ak pakai slipar, sian kaki ak kena serang ngn batu2 spjg pjalanan n also kite xnk la berlaku kes tercicir slipar kt hiway. haha, bole la ttbe slipar ttanggal plak...
4. jgn pki helmet yg x ketat -> y? mst ko pk sbb safety kan2?of coz la...tp ak sarankan pakai helmet ketat ni sbb, aritu ak pnjm helmet *k*, x ketat langsung.spjg pjalanan ak kt hiway tu telinga ak bedesing ngn bunyi angin je. smpi naek pekak ak.
5. helmet better klu ade visor -> klu xde visor kang, mne la tau tgh2 syok jalan laju, ttbe ade kumbang masuk mata, serangga ape ke, habuk ke, ape2 yg possible la.
6. jalan kt bahu jalan -> moto ni bukannye laju cam kete, so klu xnk kene lenyek ngn kete ferrari kt hiway tu, sila2 la kekalkan posisi kt bahu jalan, except klu nk memotong or nk avoid exit/hentian
7. pakai glove -> dnasihatkan pakai glove sbb takut nnt tgn melecet sbb pgang handle lame sgt. certain moto ni (cam moto ak) handlenye x bape user-friendly. also, kadang batu yg melompat kene kaki tu, mampu melompat smpi kne tgn.
8. bergerak dgn kawan -> seelok2nya bergerak atleast berdua. y? sbb mne la tau klu tayar ttbe pancit sbb tlanggar paku ke, x pasan mnyk abis ke, at least kawan bole tlg.tp jgn la g race ngn kawan kt hiway tu plak, kang tayar x pancit, nyawa yg pancit kang...
hmm, tu je kot..myb ade lg, tp ni je yg ak teringat...
seronok dpt dok kt rumah, tiap2 hari maen nds, tengok cite pastu men nds balik...
tu la cycle ak kt umah.
owh,bckp pasal cite, one of it is "the last airbender", ak akan wat review pasal cite ni on the next post...
ouh, i wanna say thanx to mr. X, ms. Q & ms. T for the bday wish...(mksd ak through phone, not fb)
trimas sbb still remember me, hope we can be frens forever and always.
& nk adiah...hehe...
hmm, ape lg nk tulis?
ooo, br teringat..
kakak ak nk bertunang next chinese new year,
who would have thought?
my other sister which is 4 years older than this one,br je kawen bbrp bulan lepas.
so, ak assume yg lmbt lg la kakak ak yg lagi sorg ni nk mendekati alam pernikahan...
supposedly, ak assume, kakak ak yg kecik ni myb akan kawen pas 4 tahun kakak ak yg besar ni kawen,
tp klu da tunangnye sebulan lg, most probably da dekat...
xkan la nk betunang smpi 4-5 tahun...
KATEKAN la klu kakak ak yg kecik ni kawen tahun depan,
means 3 years later ak kawen ke time tu? sbb ak mude 3 tahun dpd kakak ak yg kecik ni...
rumus yg masih diragui bole dterima pakai or x...
ak nk kawen lg next 3-4 years?
haha, calon pon xde lagi...
couple pon blum...
asam garam bercouple pon x rase lagi..haha
some of my frens said, " klu time couple, x clash skx mmg x sah."haha, I have no further comments on that..
hmm, kepada sesiapa yg terasa nk singgah rumah ak this chinese new year utk majlis pertunangan kakak ak ni, sila2 la dtg...more specifically 5th feb 2011...
ok, myb that's all...
idea da mule menghilang da ni...
x igt ape nk tulis da...
like i said, time cutimmg byk idea...tp bile da ade tenet, idea pon mule terhakis dpd fikiran...
till next time...
see ya..
Saturday, December 4, 2010
no title?
it has been a while since last post...
seriously, ak xde idea nk post ape...
sumtimes, ade gak terdetik nk write sumthing yg funny...
tetibe je dtg idea.
tp mlang skx, idea tu timbul bile ak stay kat rumah la plak...
FYI, rumah ak xde internet. so, paham2 la klu ak x online tu sbb ape...
tp tu la, bile blk ke universiti tercinta ni...
idea tu tetibe ilang...
asal nk tulis je, trus xtau nk tulis ape...
does this mean yg kx ni ak da ade sumthing to post?
nope, not at all...
post kx ni just saje2 praktis typing(kot)...
plus sbb ade sorg yg ttbe tny kt ak, "ble nk update blog ni... :-D." kate XXX...
agknye ade la bende yg menarik kt blog ak ni yg die nk bce, haha...
hmm, as for now...
ak mmg xde idea nk post pasal ape.
pasal kartun ke, game ke, hidup ak ke...
sume xde idea, sbb xde perkara yg menarik utk dceritakan pon...
in future, I promise to write as soon as sumthing happen...
k, tu je kot...
kepada XXX, sila la tgu post yg akn dtg...
it has been a while since last post...
seriously, ak xde idea nk post ape...
sumtimes, ade gak terdetik nk write sumthing yg funny...
tetibe je dtg idea.
tp mlang skx, idea tu timbul bile ak stay kat rumah la plak...
FYI, rumah ak xde internet. so, paham2 la klu ak x online tu sbb ape...
tp tu la, bile blk ke universiti tercinta ni...
idea tu tetibe ilang...
asal nk tulis je, trus xtau nk tulis ape...
does this mean yg kx ni ak da ade sumthing to post?
nope, not at all...
post kx ni just saje2 praktis typing(kot)...
plus sbb ade sorg yg ttbe tny kt ak, "ble nk update blog ni... :-D." kate XXX...
agknye ade la bende yg menarik kt blog ak ni yg die nk bce, haha...
hmm, as for now...
ak mmg xde idea nk post pasal ape.
pasal kartun ke, game ke, hidup ak ke...
sume xde idea, sbb xde perkara yg menarik utk dceritakan pon...
in future, I promise to write as soon as sumthing happen...
k, tu je kot...
kepada XXX, sila la tgu post yg akn dtg...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Three rarest and happy thing ever occur in my life so far...
Arigato gozaimas sbb terdetik utk bace blog ni.
Post kali ni will be a bit different.
Well, agak macam rahsia gak la,
tapi bukan rahsia pon bole jadi gak..
Sbnrnye idup ak ni bukan la mcm fairy tale,
most of it happy ending.(even though blum ending lagi..Alhamdulillah)
mcm2 liku2 hidup dah ak tempuhi...(cewah, ade gaye sastera la plak)
ever since sekolah rendah,
ak bukannya budak yg baek sgt pon.
pemalas(still kekal smpi sekarang), kedekut, selalu x solat & mcm2 lagi la yg x elok...
tapi 3 ni yg paling obvious la...
even people don't look up to me...
ak ni antara budak yg truk2 la kt sekolah dulu...
even sekolah pon sekolah baru tubuh,
so, mmg ramai la budak2 yg teruk akidahnya
tapi bukan sume ea, kawan ak sume baek2 belaka...hehe
tp tu la, ak xde la dikerumuni oleh bdak2 dgn akidah yg x berapa elok ni.
slalu ak lepak ngn bdak bijak...
myb sbb tu la 1st perkara yg jrg berlaku & happy pada ak, ak dpt score UPSR...
eventhough spjg waktu blaja tu kerja sekolah & rumah ak x siap la...
bile blk rumah, kakak ak siap cek beg ak cri kerja2 sekolah yg x siap,
yg mne latihan cam x abis buat tu, die kumpul la kt satu tmpt.
bile dsusun, masya-Allah...
smpi satu hasta tebalnye buku2 yg die jmpe tu...
bapak ah, pemalas sungguh ak ni...
smpi kene bwk g jmpe pengetua sekali...
eh, ataupon 2 kali...haha
dalam sume org x letak pape harapan langsung kat ak,
even family ak yg mcm agk sedih tgk perangai ak yg malas ni..
ak bole at least make them proud of me,
by getting a good result despite my effort.
even though just for a short time.
buat pertama kalinya ak berasa terkezut & at the same time bangga ngn result ak.
x tau la klu2 result tu tertuka ngn mane2 plajar laen ke kan...haha
haha, cite lame, budak zaman skunk ni sume da snng gile dapat 5A...
eh,5 subj lagi ke? akpon x tau la, da x ikut perkembangan dah.
move on to the next,
the 2nd things happened to me long after my UPSR,
which is during matriculation...hehe
kali ni bukan pasal result yg gempak tp effort kureng ea....
laen skt...
during matrik, ak bole dkatakan sdkt rajin la,
da xde dah keje2 betimbun yg x siap cam kt sekolah dulu...
even report lab ak siap awal, tutor ak wat....
kimia & math je la,
ckgu kimia ak garang, merangkap mentor prak ak time matrik dulu...
math plak sbb ak ni more interested in math,
walopon x reti math...haha
fizik je ak malas gile wat tutor die.
sbb ak x paham satu hapah pon...
akibatnye, fizik ak time matrik agk down gak la....
but anyway, 2nd thing is not about education as I mention earlier..
but it happened during second semester..
bile 1 of my practicum friend nk kuar matrik,
amik diploma kt UITM penang,
FYI, she's a girl...hehe
at one time, I have a little crush on her,
tu awal2 la...
agaknye tu la motivation kt ak yg mmbuatkan ak sedikit rajin time matrik.
tp, ape pon ak tau yg die da berpunya,
even so, klu die x berpunye pon,
ak ni terlalu takut sgt nk amik 1st move...
haha, takut kene reject...
time matrik dulu ak ni ketua prak,
dilantik jd ketua prak oleh cikgu lab fizik.
bukan sbb nmpk berwibawa, tp sbb tertido dlm kelas 1st die,
die sebut je nme ak, terjage ak dpd kemengantukan ak tu...hahaha
walopon ak ni ketua prak, tp bukan sume pon prasan kewujudan ak...
myb prasan la, cume x menonjol...
dlm majlis yg ktorg wat tu,
die ade la bg ucapan skt,
mention thank you kt sume org...
tp ak bukan la kepala yg anjurkan event tu, ak cume join je...
so, ak x terkezut time die mention name sume org tu,
die lupe nme ak....
kuang2, da lebih satu sem kot, sob2...
trasa sdkt sedih, tp nevermind klu spe2 pon agknye sume nk sedar kewujudan ak ni...
passive je spjg mase & ak plak suke tnjk muke masam kt diorg...
wat pe nk igt org cam ak ni...
tp die wat sesuatu yg x pnh org len wat kt ak,
die dtg confront ak dpan2, mntk maaf sbb terlupe nme ak...
tu la 1st time sape2 penah mntk maaf kt ak.
I know that situasi ni common bg korg,
tp dlm case ak ni laen skt,
yela, muke ak agk fierce...(x fierce pon, wat2 fierce je)
n then, die ___p ak...
ak terkesima kejap...
org nk mntk maaf kt ak pon xde,
ni kan plak, die amik action camtu...
ak mmg x terkata la time tu, smnjak hari tu...
ak start baek ngn die n sume org len.
dah x tunjuk muke masam2 dah.
mmg ak pon x sure la bile lagi la perkara cmtu akn terjadi.
haha...feels nice to talk about old time story...
Ok, proceed to the 3rd.
this one, is more like the 2nd,
xde kaitan ngn education...haha
da makin terpesong ak ni, bile nk studynye?
never mind, just cite je..
the 3rd one happened in University...
wah, jauh gak perjalanan ak...
siapa sgka budak malas cam ak ni dpt at least masuk U...
ok, cite universiti ni ak ringkaskan....
supaya x melalut panjang2, smpi korg buhsan...
it happened while in second year,
the 1st time ever, I go out with a girl...
only the two of us...
btul ke ni?
waaaa...ak pon x caye...but it really is real...
haha, jgn pk jauh2 plak.
even though berdua je,
it is not dating...
as she pon da berpunye...
she just teman ak g bayar sesuatu yg kemudiannye x dpt dilaksanakan...
haha, klu x tujuan ak kuar ngn die tu sbb die teman ak g bayar bil...
tp sistem down plak,
so, last2...x jd la bayar...
end up berjalan suke2 je...
ak pon rase terketar2 gak mase tu.
ye la, x besa nk communicate ngn kaum lain jantina ni....
org yg berkenaan, jgn marah ea...
as I didn't mention your name here.
papepon, all three of those is one experience that I can never forget...
who knows, bile lagi nk jd camtu...
hny Allah sahaja yg tahu...
post kali ni agak pjg gak...agknye ade ke org yg bace...
kepada sape yg bace, Syukran Jazilan
hasta - ukuran lurus dari hujung jari yg paling panjang(supposedly jari hantu) until siku.
___p - satu perbuatan. sila isi tempat kosong.
Arigato gozaimas sbb terdetik utk bace blog ni.
Post kali ni will be a bit different.
Well, agak macam rahsia gak la,
tapi bukan rahsia pon bole jadi gak..
Sbnrnye idup ak ni bukan la mcm fairy tale,
most of it happy ending.(even though blum ending lagi..Alhamdulillah)
mcm2 liku2 hidup dah ak tempuhi...(cewah, ade gaye sastera la plak)
ever since sekolah rendah,
ak bukannya budak yg baek sgt pon.
pemalas(still kekal smpi sekarang), kedekut, selalu x solat & mcm2 lagi la yg x elok...
tapi 3 ni yg paling obvious la...
even people don't look up to me...
ak ni antara budak yg truk2 la kt sekolah dulu...
even sekolah pon sekolah baru tubuh,
so, mmg ramai la budak2 yg teruk akidahnya
tapi bukan sume ea, kawan ak sume baek2 belaka...hehe
tp tu la, ak xde la dikerumuni oleh bdak2 dgn akidah yg x berapa elok ni.
slalu ak lepak ngn bdak bijak...
myb sbb tu la 1st perkara yg jrg berlaku & happy pada ak, ak dpt score UPSR...
eventhough spjg waktu blaja tu kerja sekolah & rumah ak x siap la...
bile blk rumah, kakak ak siap cek beg ak cri kerja2 sekolah yg x siap,
yg mne latihan cam x abis buat tu, die kumpul la kt satu tmpt.
bile dsusun, masya-Allah...
smpi satu hasta tebalnye buku2 yg die jmpe tu...
bapak ah, pemalas sungguh ak ni...
smpi kene bwk g jmpe pengetua sekali...
eh, ataupon 2 kali...haha
dalam sume org x letak pape harapan langsung kat ak,
even family ak yg mcm agk sedih tgk perangai ak yg malas ni..
ak bole at least make them proud of me,
by getting a good result despite my effort.
even though just for a short time.
buat pertama kalinya ak berasa terkezut & at the same time bangga ngn result ak.
x tau la klu2 result tu tertuka ngn mane2 plajar laen ke kan...haha
haha, cite lame, budak zaman skunk ni sume da snng gile dapat 5A...
eh,5 subj lagi ke? akpon x tau la, da x ikut perkembangan dah.
move on to the next,
the 2nd things happened to me long after my UPSR,
which is during matriculation...hehe
kali ni bukan pasal result yg gempak tp effort kureng ea....
laen skt...
during matrik, ak bole dkatakan sdkt rajin la,
da xde dah keje2 betimbun yg x siap cam kt sekolah dulu...
even report lab ak siap awal, tutor ak wat....
kimia & math je la,
ckgu kimia ak garang, merangkap mentor prak ak time matrik dulu...
math plak sbb ak ni more interested in math,
walopon x reti math...haha
fizik je ak malas gile wat tutor die.
sbb ak x paham satu hapah pon...
akibatnye, fizik ak time matrik agk down gak la....
but anyway, 2nd thing is not about education as I mention earlier..
but it happened during second semester..
bile 1 of my practicum friend nk kuar matrik,
amik diploma kt UITM penang,
FYI, she's a girl...hehe
at one time, I have a little crush on her,
tu awal2 la...
agaknye tu la motivation kt ak yg mmbuatkan ak sedikit rajin time matrik.
tp, ape pon ak tau yg die da berpunya,
even so, klu die x berpunye pon,
ak ni terlalu takut sgt nk amik 1st move...
haha, takut kene reject...
time matrik dulu ak ni ketua prak,
dilantik jd ketua prak oleh cikgu lab fizik.
bukan sbb nmpk berwibawa, tp sbb tertido dlm kelas 1st die,
die sebut je nme ak, terjage ak dpd kemengantukan ak tu...hahaha
walopon ak ni ketua prak, tp bukan sume pon prasan kewujudan ak...
myb prasan la, cume x menonjol...
dlm majlis yg ktorg wat tu,
die ade la bg ucapan skt,
mention thank you kt sume org...
tp ak bukan la kepala yg anjurkan event tu, ak cume join je...
so, ak x terkezut time die mention name sume org tu,
die lupe nme ak....
kuang2, da lebih satu sem kot, sob2...
trasa sdkt sedih, tp nevermind klu spe2 pon agknye sume nk sedar kewujudan ak ni...
passive je spjg mase & ak plak suke tnjk muke masam kt diorg...
wat pe nk igt org cam ak ni...
tp die wat sesuatu yg x pnh org len wat kt ak,
die dtg confront ak dpan2, mntk maaf sbb terlupe nme ak...
tu la 1st time sape2 penah mntk maaf kt ak.
I know that situasi ni common bg korg,
tp dlm case ak ni laen skt,
yela, muke ak agk fierce...(x fierce pon, wat2 fierce je)
n then, die ___p ak...
ak terkesima kejap...
org nk mntk maaf kt ak pon xde,
ni kan plak, die amik action camtu...
ak mmg x terkata la time tu, smnjak hari tu...
ak start baek ngn die n sume org len.
dah x tunjuk muke masam2 dah.
mmg ak pon x sure la bile lagi la perkara cmtu akn terjadi.
haha...feels nice to talk about old time story...
Ok, proceed to the 3rd.
this one, is more like the 2nd,
xde kaitan ngn education...haha
da makin terpesong ak ni, bile nk studynye?
never mind, just cite je..
the 3rd one happened in University...
wah, jauh gak perjalanan ak...
siapa sgka budak malas cam ak ni dpt at least masuk U...
ok, cite universiti ni ak ringkaskan....
supaya x melalut panjang2, smpi korg buhsan...
it happened while in second year,
the 1st time ever, I go out with a girl...
only the two of us...
btul ke ni?
waaaa...ak pon x caye...but it really is real...
haha, jgn pk jauh2 plak.
even though berdua je,
it is not dating...
as she pon da berpunye...
she just teman ak g bayar sesuatu yg kemudiannye x dpt dilaksanakan...
haha, klu x tujuan ak kuar ngn die tu sbb die teman ak g bayar bil...
tp sistem down plak,
so, last2...x jd la bayar...
end up berjalan suke2 je...
ak pon rase terketar2 gak mase tu.
ye la, x besa nk communicate ngn kaum lain jantina ni....
org yg berkenaan, jgn marah ea...
as I didn't mention your name here.
papepon, all three of those is one experience that I can never forget...
who knows, bile lagi nk jd camtu...
hny Allah sahaja yg tahu...
post kali ni agak pjg gak...agknye ade ke org yg bace...
kepada sape yg bace, Syukran Jazilan
hasta - ukuran lurus dari hujung jari yg paling panjang(supposedly jari hantu) until siku.
___p - satu perbuatan. sila isi tempat kosong.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
finally back...
rndu kpd *eku* terubat juga...
setelah arini *aja* menghalau ak...
xpe la, x kesah pon...
asalkan dpt dok *eku*...
ptutnye camtu la, tp sob2....
ada ke patut *PP* x bg ak register dok situ utk 2 mggu b4 masuk sem...
jahat tul *PP* ni...
smpi ati bia ak yg keletihan seret brg ngn bjalan kaki dr *aja* ke *eku* ni x dpt blk....
adoi, da la brg ak byk...
angkut skx gus plak tu,
brg2 berupa beg polo berisi penuh ngn baju2 etc mcm2 lg la...
then beg laptop yg also berisi penuh ngn brg2 laptop n brg yg x berkaitan ngn laptop...
lagi dua plastik besar yg satunye berisi kipas, n lagi satu berisi kasut, n brg2 yg bukan kasut...
plus satu beg galas yg berisi keje2 yg kene siapkan mlm ni klu bole n bende2 yg bukan keje yg kene siap mlm ni....adoi...
letih kot...
klu takat bejalan dr *aja* ke *eku* xpe gak, ni siap kene angkut brg2 yg mmberikan ak sakit bahu pabila smpi d *eku*...
tmbh plak, kne tgu kaunter bukak lg tu.
kte bukak kul 9, last2 bukak kul 10...
pnat2 je ak smpi awal...
pastu bile kaunter da bukak, kene la bratur plak....adeh
ramai kot...
xpe la, tgu je la
pny la lame beratur, ttbe bila nk apply bilik, kte x le apply plak....
teseksa ak ngn *PP* ni...
nk apply kene ade nme dr *aja* plak....
susah tul, tpksa la isi borg blk try mntk ats nme *era* n *a*,
pastu nme diorg pon xde gak, sbb diorg apply smpi 27hb je...
klu nk apply kne ade resit, huh...
tpksa la *era* g blik bilik amik resit yg ntah kt mane...
ak plak tpksa la mnuggu kt kafe lg smpi la ade resit....
pas da ade resit br bole apply...
tu pon agk susah,nk mntk pass ni la, pass tu la....
ni sok die nk tgk pass plak, pas ak n *atno* ade, *era* n *a* xde...
tp apply *eku* tu ats nme diorg,
klu nk tjk kne la bg pass yg nmediorg pny, tp diorg nk blah dah 30hb ni...
ktorg yg nk gune pass tu...
tu yg prob ni...da la ade keje nk kene siap mlm ni...
rse lenguh2 badan x ilang lg ni...
hmm, buat je la....bukannye nk kene wat keje brat pon..
ngadap laptop je....cume bosan la....
huh, pe yg ak merapu ni?
ntah la...k la...bubye
rndu kpd *eku* terubat juga...
setelah arini *aja* menghalau ak...
xpe la, x kesah pon...
asalkan dpt dok *eku*...
ptutnye camtu la, tp sob2....
ada ke patut *PP* x bg ak register dok situ utk 2 mggu b4 masuk sem...
jahat tul *PP* ni...
smpi ati bia ak yg keletihan seret brg ngn bjalan kaki dr *aja* ke *eku* ni x dpt blk....
adoi, da la brg ak byk...
angkut skx gus plak tu,
brg2 berupa beg polo berisi penuh ngn baju2 etc mcm2 lg la...
then beg laptop yg also berisi penuh ngn brg2 laptop n brg yg x berkaitan ngn laptop...
lagi dua plastik besar yg satunye berisi kipas, n lagi satu berisi kasut, n brg2 yg bukan kasut...
plus satu beg galas yg berisi keje2 yg kene siapkan mlm ni klu bole n bende2 yg bukan keje yg kene siap mlm ni....adoi...
letih kot...
klu takat bejalan dr *aja* ke *eku* xpe gak, ni siap kene angkut brg2 yg mmberikan ak sakit bahu pabila smpi d *eku*...
tmbh plak, kne tgu kaunter bukak lg tu.
kte bukak kul 9, last2 bukak kul 10...
pnat2 je ak smpi awal...
pastu bile kaunter da bukak, kene la bratur plak....adeh
ramai kot...
xpe la, tgu je la
pny la lame beratur, ttbe bila nk apply bilik, kte x le apply plak....
teseksa ak ngn *PP* ni...
nk apply kene ade nme dr *aja* plak....
susah tul, tpksa la isi borg blk try mntk ats nme *era* n *a*,
pastu nme diorg pon xde gak, sbb diorg apply smpi 27hb je...
klu nk apply kne ade resit, huh...
tpksa la *era* g blik bilik amik resit yg ntah kt mane...
ak plak tpksa la mnuggu kt kafe lg smpi la ade resit....
pas da ade resit br bole apply...
tu pon agk susah,nk mntk pass ni la, pass tu la....
ni sok die nk tgk pass plak, pas ak n *atno* ade, *era* n *a* xde...
tp apply *eku* tu ats nme diorg,
klu nk tjk kne la bg pass yg nmediorg pny, tp diorg nk blah dah 30hb ni...
ktorg yg nk gune pass tu...
tu yg prob ni...da la ade keje nk kene siap mlm ni...
rse lenguh2 badan x ilang lg ni...
hmm, buat je la....bukannye nk kene wat keje brat pon..
ngadap laptop je....cume bosan la....
huh, pe yg ak merapu ni?
ntah la...k la...bubye
Thursday, June 17, 2010
am I really that timid?
am I really that useless?
does people noticed my existence?
like it or not, I am really exist.
and I am here.
but it seems, no matter what I do...
people still don't acknowledge me.
I know that I've done some awful things in the past.
I also know that I've done a lot of good things.
but it is a nature that once a person do even one tiny bad things,
people will hate him/her forever...
it's like seeing a blank white-coloured paper with one black dots in the center.
people will only notice the tiny black dots,
they don't even realize how big the white-coloured paper is...
I always kept my Principe "be nice to everyone"...
I know that most people don't think like I do...
most of them believe that the should be nice to their friends and family,
or maybe be nice to anyone except someone who's bad.
but I believe that you should be nice to everyone, even to your arch enemy...
I don't mind if they think I'm the most evil-lazy-stupid person in the world, cuz I don't care...
but I do mind when they do that and then take advantage from me...
when I'm trying to be nice, ignoring me is the only thing that they do.
when they need help, I'm the last person the would ask for, even though I'm closest to them and I'm the one that can help...
you know how it feels to be ignored...but seriously, I don't really mind about that...
BUT, after they didn't get what they ask for from someone else, then they would come to seek my help...
what was that for?
I'm the CLOSEST but I'm the LAST in their list...
what kind of people would treat others like that...
since that I'm close to them, I know what they are doing, so I know they in need of help...
They just ignore me in the beginning, and now they are asking for my help so their problems can be settled...
what kind of self-centered person are they?
if possible, I wanna keep my distant away from community,
so that none of these problems can occur and affect me.
cuz, the more you know people, the more you will hate them...
only by accepting others weakness and bad habit can help you overcome this..
I know and I'm sure everyone has weakness and their own bad habits...
but if this weakness and bad habits is the reason for you to hate them,
then you're never be able to overcome your weakness...
and you'll never find a true friends...
and now,
I don't think that I should be nice to everyone.
I don't have to even try to understand their feelings.
I don't have to share anything with them.
cuz it will only hurt me a lot.
gimme one good reason why should I care about people who don't even at least try to be nice to me?
am I really that useless?
does people noticed my existence?
like it or not, I am really exist.
and I am here.
but it seems, no matter what I do...
people still don't acknowledge me.
I know that I've done some awful things in the past.
I also know that I've done a lot of good things.
but it is a nature that once a person do even one tiny bad things,
people will hate him/her forever...
it's like seeing a blank white-coloured paper with one black dots in the center.
people will only notice the tiny black dots,
they don't even realize how big the white-coloured paper is...
I always kept my Principe "be nice to everyone"...
I know that most people don't think like I do...
most of them believe that the should be nice to their friends and family,
or maybe be nice to anyone except someone who's bad.
but I believe that you should be nice to everyone, even to your arch enemy...
I don't mind if they think I'm the most evil-lazy-stupid person in the world, cuz I don't care...
but I do mind when they do that and then take advantage from me...
when I'm trying to be nice, ignoring me is the only thing that they do.
when they need help, I'm the last person the would ask for, even though I'm closest to them and I'm the one that can help...
you know how it feels to be ignored...but seriously, I don't really mind about that...
BUT, after they didn't get what they ask for from someone else, then they would come to seek my help...
what was that for?
I'm the CLOSEST but I'm the LAST in their list...
what kind of people would treat others like that...
since that I'm close to them, I know what they are doing, so I know they in need of help...
They just ignore me in the beginning, and now they are asking for my help so their problems can be settled...
what kind of self-centered person are they?
if possible, I wanna keep my distant away from community,
so that none of these problems can occur and affect me.
cuz, the more you know people, the more you will hate them...
only by accepting others weakness and bad habit can help you overcome this..
I know and I'm sure everyone has weakness and their own bad habits...
but if this weakness and bad habits is the reason for you to hate them,
then you're never be able to overcome your weakness...
and you'll never find a true friends...
and now,
I don't think that I should be nice to everyone.
I don't have to even try to understand their feelings.
I don't have to share anything with them.
cuz it will only hurt me a lot.
gimme one good reason why should I care about people who don't even at least try to be nice to me?
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Post that was only short after another...huhu
Hello again,
for this one, I don't feel like writing in Malay...
so, bare with my messy-broken English, huhu...
I just wanna tell u guys about what hav been happenin' to me in last couple of days. (including today)
Yesterday is the day my sister got married (2nd in family),
it's been about 4-5 years since my brother got married (1st in family).
at long last, the time has come for my sister to start living in her own family.
but still, I wish that her marriage will last forever...
yesterday was a blast...
some of my frens did come.
some from USM and some from secondary school.
it was pretty hectic though and tiring too.
even though I do the least work, hahaha...
that night, comes the part for my sister to open the present that was received...
the event is fun especially watching my cute nephew's (1y 2m) behaviour...
seeing all that (my sister's marriage, my nephew's act etc.),
I felt like I wanna have my own happy family too.
hmm, when will I get married and have my own child?..hehe (dreaming a while)
Today's morning, everyone (except me) work hard to clean up all the mess from the ceremony.
until afternoon, it's about time I went to the bus station...
the driver late over 30minute...damn, waiting is one of the hardest thing to do...
right after I arrived, I'm happy to know that I can't enter my room...(damn)
I thought that *k* has already arrived safely at *S*...
huh, so, I just go to lab 1 to spend some time till he got back...
then, a few moment later, tears suddenly channels along the bottom of my eyes...
not sure y...don't mind bout that, mybe just dust...
right after Isya' prayer, *k* finally got back, and I also can go to bath...
haha, not too detailed right...
even when I read this post back, I couldn't describe the story...
& I don't even know y I wrote this post...
nevertheless, what done is done....
just read & ignore anything unnecassary..:))
for this one, I don't feel like writing in Malay...
so, bare with my messy-broken English, huhu...
I just wanna tell u guys about what hav been happenin' to me in last couple of days. (including today)
Yesterday is the day my sister got married (2nd in family),
it's been about 4-5 years since my brother got married (1st in family).
at long last, the time has come for my sister to start living in her own family.
but still, I wish that her marriage will last forever...
yesterday was a blast...
some of my frens did come.
some from USM and some from secondary school.
it was pretty hectic though and tiring too.
even though I do the least work, hahaha...
that night, comes the part for my sister to open the present that was received...
the event is fun especially watching my cute nephew's (1y 2m) behaviour...
seeing all that (my sister's marriage, my nephew's act etc.),
I felt like I wanna have my own happy family too.
hmm, when will I get married and have my own child?..hehe (dreaming a while)
Today's morning, everyone (except me) work hard to clean up all the mess from the ceremony.
until afternoon, it's about time I went to the bus station...
the driver late over 30minute...damn, waiting is one of the hardest thing to do...
right after I arrived, I'm happy to know that I can't enter my room...(damn)
I thought that *k* has already arrived safely at *S*...
huh, so, I just go to lab 1 to spend some time till he got back...
then, a few moment later, tears suddenly channels along the bottom of my eyes...
not sure y...don't mind bout that, mybe just dust...
right after Isya' prayer, *k* finally got back, and I also can go to bath...
haha, not too detailed right...
even when I read this post back, I couldn't describe the story...
& I don't even know y I wrote this post...
nevertheless, what done is done....
just read & ignore anything unnecassary..:))
Top 10 my favorite anime songs for week 23 year 2010
This post was supposed to be posted yesterday.
tp mmandangkan ak agk bz, so, skunk la br nk post...
I'm gonna make it short this time coz there's another post coming shortly...
Ai no hoshi
Ah my goddess: Tatakau tsubasa

Piece of Peace
Rockman Exe

Hanamuke no Melody
Ah my Goddess: Tatakau tsubasa

For you
Naruto Shippuuden
Natsu no Maboroshi
Garnet Crow
Detective Conan

Koibito Doushi
Ah my Goddess: Sorezore no tsubasa

Say Cheese
Yui Horie
Nagasarete Airantou

Koisuru Tenkizu
Yui Horie
Nagasarete Airantou

Toumei Datta Sekai
Motohiro Hatta
Naruto Shippuuden
Trust You
Yuna Ito
Gundam 00 2nd season

Sory sbb x dpt upload gamba naruto shippuuden dah....
thnx to *S*Hotspot....
neway, for this week, same song still remain on top, "Ai no Hoshi"...
bgus2, da 3 minggu da lagu ni jd most faveret ak...
agk2 mggu dpan cmne la ek?
till then, later.....
Colour code:
Song's title
This post was supposed to be posted yesterday.
tp mmandangkan ak agk bz, so, skunk la br nk post...
I'm gonna make it short this time coz there's another post coming shortly...
Ai no hoshi
Ah my goddess: Tatakau tsubasa

Piece of Peace
Rockman Exe

Hanamuke no Melody
Ah my Goddess: Tatakau tsubasa

For you
Naruto Shippuuden
Natsu no Maboroshi
Garnet Crow
Detective Conan

Koibito Doushi
Ah my Goddess: Sorezore no tsubasa

Say Cheese
Yui Horie
Nagasarete Airantou

Koisuru Tenkizu
Yui Horie
Nagasarete Airantou

Toumei Datta Sekai
Motohiro Hatta
Naruto Shippuuden
Trust You
Yuna Ito
Gundam 00 2nd season

Sory sbb x dpt upload gamba naruto shippuuden dah....
thnx to *S*Hotspot....
neway, for this week, same song still remain on top, "Ai no Hoshi"...
bgus2, da 3 minggu da lagu ni jd most faveret ak...
agk2 mggu dpan cmne la ek?
till then, later.....
Colour code:
Song's title
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Top 10 my favorite anime songs for week 22 year 2010
Ok, time for this weeks top ten faveret anime...
tp kx ni, ak post bukan sbb tgh boring, tp sbb ak da kte aritu post ni akn ade tiap2 ari sabtu...hehe
so, buat je la...isi masa lapang...
smbil mnunggu nk g jalan japg..
kedudukannye dah berubah skt dpd mggu lpas, tp ranking 1st ngn 2nd still x brubah lg....
Ai no hoshi
Ah my goddess: Tatakau tsubasa

For you
Naruto shippuuden

Trust you
Yuna Ito
Gundam 00 2nd season


Hanamuke no melody
Ah my goddess: Tatakau tsubasa

Toumei datta sekai
Motohiro Hatta
Naruto Shippuuden

Koibito doushi
Ah my goddess: Sorezore no tsubasa

Be for you, be for me
Yui Horie
Love Hina Again

Naruto Shippuuden movie 3

Shimokawa Mikuni
Hunter X Hunter

haha, x sgka plak selera ak ni berubah2 ea...
mggu lepas suke lagu len,
mggu ni suke lagu len,
mggu dpan suke lagu len plak....
that's y ak x brani nk kate mne satu lgu pling faveret ak...
sbb tiap2 mggu (tiap2 ari sbnrnye) selera ak berubah...
ok, that's all kot...
mggu ni x wat byk post cam mggu lepas pon....npe ea?(i hav no idea)
till then....
Colour code:
Song's title
tp kx ni, ak post bukan sbb tgh boring, tp sbb ak da kte aritu post ni akn ade tiap2 ari sabtu...hehe
so, buat je la...isi masa lapang...
smbil mnunggu nk g jalan japg..
kedudukannye dah berubah skt dpd mggu lpas, tp ranking 1st ngn 2nd still x brubah lg....
Ai no hoshi
Ah my goddess: Tatakau tsubasa

For you
Naruto shippuuden

Trust you
Yuna Ito
Gundam 00 2nd season


Hanamuke no melody
Ah my goddess: Tatakau tsubasa

Toumei datta sekai
Motohiro Hatta
Naruto Shippuuden

Koibito doushi
Ah my goddess: Sorezore no tsubasa

Be for you, be for me
Yui Horie
Love Hina Again

Naruto Shippuuden movie 3

Shimokawa Mikuni
Hunter X Hunter

haha, x sgka plak selera ak ni berubah2 ea...
mggu lepas suke lagu len,
mggu ni suke lagu len,
mggu dpan suke lagu len plak....
that's y ak x brani nk kate mne satu lgu pling faveret ak...
sbb tiap2 mggu (tiap2 ari sbnrnye) selera ak berubah...
ok, that's all kot...
mggu ni x wat byk post cam mggu lepas pon....npe ea?(i hav no idea)
till then....
Colour code:
Song's title
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Top 10 my favorite anime songs for week 21 year 2010
I'm seriously boring right now.
So,to kill some time,
I intent to create a post about my most favorite anime songs for every week starting today.
This is so that u (readers) can learn a thing or two about me, hehe...
And also can give u some ideas about what anime songs that's exist...
I'm not fanatic about anime, it's just that I enjoy the song...
Therefore, from now onwards, I'll gradually post top ten favorite anime songs that I enjoy the most in that week on Saturday,
It may change in the following, depends on my mood, hehe...
Ok, now lets review the results for this week.
Ai no hoshi
Ah my goddess: Tatakau tsubasa
For you
Naruto shippuuden
Koibito Doushi
Ah my goddess: sorezore no tsubasa
Tousei datta sekai
Motohiro Hatta
Naruto Shippuuden
Naruto Shippuuden
You horie
Nagasarete Airantou
Tabidatsu kimi e
Shakugan no shana
fuh, hmm that's all I think. if you ever want to listen to any of the listed songs, you can visit gendou, (my most favourite site to download anime songs).
U need to have an account first, but don't worry, because it's free...
just key in any of the details u got from here, (Song's title, Artist, Anime),
walla, the results is popped up..hehe
well, some of the song may not probably located in gendou, but most of it yes.
ok, I think that's all...
Colour code:
Song's title
I'm seriously boring right now.
So,to kill some time,
I intent to create a post about my most favorite anime songs for every week starting today.
This is so that u (readers) can learn a thing or two about me, hehe...
And also can give u some ideas about what anime songs that's exist...
I'm not fanatic about anime, it's just that I enjoy the song...
Therefore, from now onwards, I'll gradually post top ten favorite anime songs that I enjoy the most in that week on Saturday,
It may change in the following, depends on my mood, hehe...
Ok, now lets review the results for this week.
Ai no hoshi
Ah my goddess: Tatakau tsubasa
For you
Naruto shippuuden
Koibito Doushi
Ah my goddess: sorezore no tsubasa
Tousei datta sekai
Motohiro Hatta
Naruto Shippuuden
Naruto Shippuuden
You horie
Nagasarete Airantou
Tabidatsu kimi e
Shakugan no shana
fuh, hmm that's all I think. if you ever want to listen to any of the listed songs, you can visit gendou, (my most favourite site to download anime songs).
U need to have an account first, but don't worry, because it's free...
just key in any of the details u got from here, (Song's title, Artist, Anime),
walla, the results is popped up..hehe
well, some of the song may not probably located in gendou, but most of it yes.
ok, I think that's all...
Colour code:
Song's title
Friday, May 21, 2010
the beginning of real LI
akhirnya start pun keje ak...
tu pon start wat fotosop a.k.a. photoshop je..
ok la tu, dpd dok temenung tgk pc n laptop...
ok, arini wat fotosop...
sok cuti...haha
elok2 la tu,
bunyi cam ak ni keje sehari smggu je...
bapak bes camtu...
hmm, tp ok gak ea..
keje once a week...
selesa skt idup...
selesa bukan dr segi kemewahan...
tp selesa dr segi kelapangan...haha
tu pasal la 3 ari berturut ak dok tulis blog je...haha
sebelum ni klu nk tulis blog pon,
3 post tu utk setahun...
tu pon klu cukup la 3 post..
klu x 1 je kot..haha
pny la mls ak ni...
mmg kategori mls tahap kritikal da ni...
org besenye mls blaja or wat keje,
tp ak maen pon mls.
hmm, kire ok la skunk ni kot...
mmndangkan da ade keinginan utk wat keje, walopon kjap je, hihi...
well, for today tu je la kot yg ak nk repotkan...
haha, pasal post naruto smlm, ak da edit skt,
(naruto release tiap2 ari jumaat, bukan khamis)
td br dload....tp x tgk lg...
x nk tgk dulu, sbb tkut nnt ilang mood keje...
haha, well...
tu je kot...
k, daaa....
akhirnya start pun keje ak...
tu pon start wat fotosop a.k.a. photoshop je..
ok la tu, dpd dok temenung tgk pc n laptop...
ok, arini wat fotosop...
sok cuti...haha
elok2 la tu,
bunyi cam ak ni keje sehari smggu je...
bapak bes camtu...
hmm, tp ok gak ea..
keje once a week...
selesa skt idup...
selesa bukan dr segi kemewahan...
tp selesa dr segi kelapangan...haha
tu pasal la 3 ari berturut ak dok tulis blog je...haha
sebelum ni klu nk tulis blog pon,
3 post tu utk setahun...
tu pon klu cukup la 3 post..
klu x 1 je kot..haha
pny la mls ak ni...
mmg kategori mls tahap kritikal da ni...
org besenye mls blaja or wat keje,
tp ak maen pon mls.
hmm, kire ok la skunk ni kot...
mmndangkan da ade keinginan utk wat keje, walopon kjap je, hihi...
well, for today tu je la kot yg ak nk repotkan...
haha, pasal post naruto smlm, ak da edit skt,
(naruto release tiap2 ari jumaat, bukan khamis)
td br dload....tp x tgk lg...
x nk tgk dulu, sbb tkut nnt ilang mood keje...
haha, well...
tu je kot...
k, daaa....
Thursday, May 20, 2010
naruto anime details...
ari ni ak nk cite pasal naruto plak la..
ok, this one is one of my favourite(but still not the most, hehe)
naruto has release around 220 episodes...
and now, cite naruto ni dsambung dlm season baru "naruto shippuuden"...
naruto pny series da complete, tp naruto shippuuden lum lg...
up till now, naruto shippuuden ade 160 episod je...
and like wise, ak ade dr episod 1 smpi la present...
skunk ni tgh menanti2 episod 161 kuar...
besenye naruto shippuuden ni release every friday...
tu yg ak tgh tgu episod 161 kuar tu,
tp ape kan daya, link utk downloadnye still xde lg..
penantian satu penyeksaan...
tp xpe, sbb sabar itu separuh dpd iman...ye x?
bg mereka2 yg x tau nk download naruto/naruto shippuuden ni kt mne,
bole la google...hehe
x pon try la cri kt site yg ak bg aritu...
cam bleach gak...
kt bleachexile ke, ani-haven ke, realityLapse ke...
ade je site laen...
tp ni cth je la, in case klu malas nk google...hehe
tp utk naruto shippuuden ni, kt site bleachexile, file die besar gedabak...
around 300+ mb, so ak x recommend korg download kt c2 utk naruto shippuuden,
klu korg syg memory la..haha
that's all 4 now,
c ya later...
ari ni ak nk cite pasal naruto plak la..
ok, this one is one of my favourite(but still not the most, hehe)
naruto has release around 220 episodes...
and now, cite naruto ni dsambung dlm season baru "naruto shippuuden"...
naruto pny series da complete, tp naruto shippuuden lum lg...
up till now, naruto shippuuden ade 160 episod je...
and like wise, ak ade dr episod 1 smpi la present...
skunk ni tgh menanti2 episod 161 kuar...
besenye naruto shippuuden ni release every friday...
tu yg ak tgh tgu episod 161 kuar tu,
tp ape kan daya, link utk downloadnye still xde lg..
penantian satu penyeksaan...
tp xpe, sbb sabar itu separuh dpd iman...ye x?
bg mereka2 yg x tau nk download naruto/naruto shippuuden ni kt mne,
bole la google...hehe
x pon try la cri kt site yg ak bg aritu...
cam bleach gak...
kt bleachexile ke, ani-haven ke, realityLapse ke...
ade je site laen...
tp ni cth je la, in case klu malas nk google...hehe
tp utk naruto shippuuden ni, kt site bleachexile, file die besar gedabak...
around 300+ mb, so ak x recommend korg download kt c2 utk naruto shippuuden,
klu korg syg memory la..haha
that's all 4 now,
c ya later...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Bleach anime details...
hello again...
ari ni ak nk cite pasal anime yg ak follow, "bleach"...
seriously, not my most favourite anime,
but still watch it...hehe.
until now, bleach anime has been release till episode 271..
up till now, ak ade sume episod...dr episod 1 smpi la 271(which is released today)
bg mereka2 yg bce manga tu, tau la pasal cite bleach...
tp manga je la..
dlm anime bleach plak, diorg include additional episode which is called "filler"(same case utk sume anime laen)...
bg ak la, filler bleach ni byk sgt yg x bes...tp memandangkan, nk wat collection pny pasal..
download je la..
stakat episod 271 ni, diorg tgh run manga pny series where ichigo dies in the hand of ulquiorra...
kpd spe2 yg xde anime ni n teringin nak download or ade episod2 yg x cukup tp x tau kt ne nk download, bole la surf ke bleachexile.
utk download kt site ni, kne cr8 account dulu, tp once da cr8, no prob 2 download it...
bleach pny anime akan release every week on wednesday...(sepatutnye la)
tp x tau la klu2 server diorg down ke, maybe lmbt la diorg upload...
kte la klu kt site ni xde, or lmbt...
ade je site laen yg korg bole try...antaranye ani-haven and realityLapse...
n ktekan la klu2 korg xleh download kt tiga2 site ni...
search je kt google...
mst jmpe pny...
ok, until then..later
ari ni ak nk cite pasal anime yg ak follow, "bleach"...
seriously, not my most favourite anime,
but still watch it...hehe.
until now, bleach anime has been release till episode 271..
up till now, ak ade sume episod...dr episod 1 smpi la 271(which is released today)
bg mereka2 yg bce manga tu, tau la pasal cite bleach...
tp manga je la..
dlm anime bleach plak, diorg include additional episode which is called "filler"(same case utk sume anime laen)...
bg ak la, filler bleach ni byk sgt yg x bes...tp memandangkan, nk wat collection pny pasal..
download je la..
stakat episod 271 ni, diorg tgh run manga pny series where ichigo dies in the hand of ulquiorra...
kpd spe2 yg xde anime ni n teringin nak download or ade episod2 yg x cukup tp x tau kt ne nk download, bole la surf ke bleachexile.
utk download kt site ni, kne cr8 account dulu, tp once da cr8, no prob 2 download it...
bleach pny anime akan release every week on wednesday...(sepatutnye la)
tp x tau la klu2 server diorg down ke, maybe lmbt la diorg upload...
kte la klu kt site ni xde, or lmbt...
ade je site laen yg korg bole try...antaranye ani-haven and realityLapse...
n ktekan la klu2 korg xleh download kt tiga2 site ni...
search je kt google...
mst jmpe pny...
ok, until then..later
Friday, May 14, 2010
haha...da agk dah, bkan satu post je kt blog ni...
malu den...
x nk speaking dah kx ni.
ade ke m'sia klah truk.
ranking tgi, tp kalah cam ranking bwh2 je.
mls la nk cite pasal m'sia ni...
tuka topik lak...
agknye npe ea ak wat post kx ni?
da la xde idea nk tulis ape sgt pon...
tmbh plak aritu kte "the only post in this blog"...
ok, meh ak gtaw...
aritu, tulis kt blog ni ats tujuan laen...tp kx ni tujuan br da tmbul...
kx ni ak nk announce yg from now onwards, this blog will post sumthing bout myself.
hmm, anything bout myself...
sebelum ni pnye post is secret about myself...
tp memandangkan ak ni xde byk secret pon, tu yg ckp "the only post in this blog"...
tp xkan la nk bia je site ni x digunakan...
so, tu yg tukar tujuan tu...hehehe...
when I say anything, I mean anything...
so, expect the unexpected...
akhirnya speaking gak, despite kate awal2 td xnk speaking...
hope that starting next post, u will find this blog useful....
until then, c ya...
malu den...
x nk speaking dah kx ni.
ade ke m'sia klah truk.
ranking tgi, tp kalah cam ranking bwh2 je.
mls la nk cite pasal m'sia ni...
tuka topik lak...
agknye npe ea ak wat post kx ni?
da la xde idea nk tulis ape sgt pon...
tmbh plak aritu kte "the only post in this blog"...
ok, meh ak gtaw...
aritu, tulis kt blog ni ats tujuan laen...tp kx ni tujuan br da tmbul...
kx ni ak nk announce yg from now onwards, this blog will post sumthing bout myself.
hmm, anything bout myself...
sebelum ni pnye post is secret about myself...
tp memandangkan ak ni xde byk secret pon, tu yg ckp "the only post in this blog"...
tp xkan la nk bia je site ni x digunakan...
so, tu yg tukar tujuan tu...hehehe...
when I say anything, I mean anything...
so, expect the unexpected...
akhirnya speaking gak, despite kate awal2 td xnk speaking...
hope that starting next post, u will find this blog useful....
until then, c ya...
Friday, April 30, 2010
the only post in this blog....
This is the only post that will be posted in this page.
I hope so.
Hehe, it's because the only reason I wrote this blog is to express my feelings.
sounds like serious. Haha...
This post is basically about someone that I have kept my feelings towards her for quite sometime.
Looks like I'm in love. Haha, or maybe just have a crush on her.
let call her with a code name, "Ms J".
Note that "J" is not her name. So, don't try to guess anything. Hehe.
To tell you the truth, I don't remember when did I started to like her.
But it is about more than a year ago.
I have been trying to express my feeling towards her.
however, I'm not man enough to do so. Haha...
Feels like I'm a loser from the very beginning.
All this time, I did fell in love with someone else, but I guess that probably I'm not serious about that.
The reason I fell in love with them is probably because of the outside.
Typical man, seeing pretty girl, and then fall in love with them.
However, it's not the same with Ms. J, I have known her for quite some time.
In the beginning, I didn't have any feelings toward her.
I also hardly know of her existence. Haha.
But a few month later, I have a chat with Ms. J for the first time ever.
My heart beats in different rate at that time.
Don't expect my heart to beat fast, because it's not.
At that time, My heart beats at the most unusual rate.
Usually, my heart beats pretty fast, Haha, probably because of my fat body and I desperately gasping for air.
However, at that only moment, I feel tranquil and I get along pretty well with Ms J.
But I'm not sure how she feels at that time.
Since that, my life is not really the same.
As time past by, I'm beginning to know more about her.
Until one time that I found out that she actually is in a relationship with someone else already.
At that time, I feel kinda sad that the only person that can get along pretty well with me is already owned by someone else. haha...
But, I feel happy for her that she has found a good person to take care of her.
Well seriously, I don't think that I am better than anyone else, cause I'm pretty much like a jerk. Haha...
From what I think, any other person is better than me.
Well, why do I think that way? of course.
I not really that good in my study and my education.
Despite my ability to enroll in a university.
My pointer is not that good.
I don't even know what I have been studying all this past years.
I like to play games a lot. but I'm not really good at it.
I don't really know how to treat others.
I often make them feels irritated towards me.
Plus, my appearance is not that good either.
With all that, for what reason that she should choose me over anyone else.
All of my friends always said that, "if you like someone, tell her that you like her, if she likes you too, then she will accept you, if not, then you should find someone else".
I can just follow my friends' advice, but deep inside my heart, I feel guilty to like other person after saying that I like Ms J.
I cannot just say that I like Ms J, then if she doesn't like me the way I like her, I cannot just find someone else and say I like her. If I do that, it feels like my feelings towards Ms J is not true and will not last long.
Seriously, it's hard to love someone, but it's even harder to let go of someone you love.
Currently, I don't really know what to do right now.
Probably just wait for her love OR wait for the feeling towards her to vanish and continue on to like someone else with fake feelings.
until then...
I hope so.
Hehe, it's because the only reason I wrote this blog is to express my feelings.
sounds like serious. Haha...
This post is basically about someone that I have kept my feelings towards her for quite sometime.
Looks like I'm in love. Haha, or maybe just have a crush on her.
let call her with a code name, "Ms J".
Note that "J" is not her name. So, don't try to guess anything. Hehe.
To tell you the truth, I don't remember when did I started to like her.
But it is about more than a year ago.
I have been trying to express my feeling towards her.
however, I'm not man enough to do so. Haha...
Feels like I'm a loser from the very beginning.
All this time, I did fell in love with someone else, but I guess that probably I'm not serious about that.
The reason I fell in love with them is probably because of the outside.
Typical man, seeing pretty girl, and then fall in love with them.
However, it's not the same with Ms. J, I have known her for quite some time.
In the beginning, I didn't have any feelings toward her.
I also hardly know of her existence. Haha.
But a few month later, I have a chat with Ms. J for the first time ever.
My heart beats in different rate at that time.
Don't expect my heart to beat fast, because it's not.
At that time, My heart beats at the most unusual rate.
Usually, my heart beats pretty fast, Haha, probably because of my fat body and I desperately gasping for air.
However, at that only moment, I feel tranquil and I get along pretty well with Ms J.
But I'm not sure how she feels at that time.
Since that, my life is not really the same.
As time past by, I'm beginning to know more about her.
Until one time that I found out that she actually is in a relationship with someone else already.
At that time, I feel kinda sad that the only person that can get along pretty well with me is already owned by someone else. haha...
But, I feel happy for her that she has found a good person to take care of her.
Well seriously, I don't think that I am better than anyone else, cause I'm pretty much like a jerk. Haha...
From what I think, any other person is better than me.
Well, why do I think that way? of course.
I not really that good in my study and my education.
Despite my ability to enroll in a university.
My pointer is not that good.
I don't even know what I have been studying all this past years.
I like to play games a lot. but I'm not really good at it.
I don't really know how to treat others.
I often make them feels irritated towards me.
Plus, my appearance is not that good either.
With all that, for what reason that she should choose me over anyone else.
All of my friends always said that, "if you like someone, tell her that you like her, if she likes you too, then she will accept you, if not, then you should find someone else".
I can just follow my friends' advice, but deep inside my heart, I feel guilty to like other person after saying that I like Ms J.
I cannot just say that I like Ms J, then if she doesn't like me the way I like her, I cannot just find someone else and say I like her. If I do that, it feels like my feelings towards Ms J is not true and will not last long.
Seriously, it's hard to love someone, but it's even harder to let go of someone you love.
Currently, I don't really know what to do right now.
Probably just wait for her love OR wait for the feeling towards her to vanish and continue on to like someone else with fake feelings.
until then...
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