Arigato gozaimas sbb terdetik utk bace blog ni.
Post kali ni will be a bit different.
Well, agak macam rahsia gak la,
tapi bukan rahsia pon bole jadi gak..
Sbnrnye idup ak ni bukan la mcm fairy tale,
most of it happy ending.(even though blum ending lagi..Alhamdulillah)
mcm2 liku2 hidup dah ak tempuhi...(cewah, ade gaye sastera la plak)
ever since sekolah rendah,
ak bukannya budak yg baek sgt pon.
pemalas(still kekal smpi sekarang), kedekut, selalu x solat & mcm2 lagi la yg x elok...
tapi 3 ni yg paling obvious la...
even people don't look up to me...
ak ni antara budak yg truk2 la kt sekolah dulu...
even sekolah pon sekolah baru tubuh,
so, mmg ramai la budak2 yg teruk akidahnya
tapi bukan sume ea, kawan ak sume baek2 belaka...hehe
tp tu la, ak xde la dikerumuni oleh bdak2 dgn akidah yg x berapa elok ni.
slalu ak lepak ngn bdak bijak...
myb sbb tu la 1st perkara yg jrg berlaku & happy pada ak, ak dpt score UPSR...
eventhough spjg waktu blaja tu kerja sekolah & rumah ak x siap la...
bile blk rumah, kakak ak siap cek beg ak cri kerja2 sekolah yg x siap,
yg mne latihan cam x abis buat tu, die kumpul la kt satu tmpt.
bile dsusun, masya-Allah...
smpi satu hasta tebalnye buku2 yg die jmpe tu...
bapak ah, pemalas sungguh ak ni...
smpi kene bwk g jmpe pengetua sekali...
eh, ataupon 2 kali...haha
dalam sume org x letak pape harapan langsung kat ak,
even family ak yg mcm agk sedih tgk perangai ak yg malas ni..
ak bole at least make them proud of me,
by getting a good result despite my effort.
even though just for a short time.
buat pertama kalinya ak berasa terkezut & at the same time bangga ngn result ak.
x tau la klu2 result tu tertuka ngn mane2 plajar laen ke kan...haha
haha, cite lame, budak zaman skunk ni sume da snng gile dapat 5A...
eh,5 subj lagi ke? akpon x tau la, da x ikut perkembangan dah.
move on to the next,
the 2nd things happened to me long after my UPSR,
which is during matriculation...hehe
kali ni bukan pasal result yg gempak tp effort kureng ea....
laen skt...
during matrik, ak bole dkatakan sdkt rajin la,
da xde dah keje2 betimbun yg x siap cam kt sekolah dulu...
even report lab ak siap awal, tutor ak wat....
kimia & math je la,
ckgu kimia ak garang, merangkap mentor prak ak time matrik dulu...
math plak sbb ak ni more interested in math,
walopon x reti math...haha
fizik je ak malas gile wat tutor die.
sbb ak x paham satu hapah pon...
akibatnye, fizik ak time matrik agk down gak la....
but anyway, 2nd thing is not about education as I mention earlier..
but it happened during second semester..
bile 1 of my practicum friend nk kuar matrik,
amik diploma kt UITM penang,
FYI, she's a girl...hehe
at one time, I have a little crush on her,
tu awal2 la...
agaknye tu la motivation kt ak yg mmbuatkan ak sedikit rajin time matrik.
tp, ape pon ak tau yg die da berpunya,
even so, klu die x berpunye pon,
ak ni terlalu takut sgt nk amik 1st move...
haha, takut kene reject...
time matrik dulu ak ni ketua prak,
dilantik jd ketua prak oleh cikgu lab fizik.
bukan sbb nmpk berwibawa, tp sbb tertido dlm kelas 1st die,
die sebut je nme ak, terjage ak dpd kemengantukan ak tu...hahaha
walopon ak ni ketua prak, tp bukan sume pon prasan kewujudan ak...
myb prasan la, cume x menonjol...
dlm majlis yg ktorg wat tu,
die ade la bg ucapan skt,
mention thank you kt sume org...
tp ak bukan la kepala yg anjurkan event tu, ak cume join je...
so, ak x terkezut time die mention name sume org tu,
die lupe nme ak....
kuang2, da lebih satu sem kot, sob2...
trasa sdkt sedih, tp nevermind klu spe2 pon agknye sume nk sedar kewujudan ak ni...
passive je spjg mase & ak plak suke tnjk muke masam kt diorg...
wat pe nk igt org cam ak ni...
tp die wat sesuatu yg x pnh org len wat kt ak,
die dtg confront ak dpan2, mntk maaf sbb terlupe nme ak...
tu la 1st time sape2 penah mntk maaf kt ak.
I know that situasi ni common bg korg,
tp dlm case ak ni laen skt,
yela, muke ak agk fierce...(x fierce pon, wat2 fierce je)
n then, die ___p ak...
ak terkesima kejap...
org nk mntk maaf kt ak pon xde,
ni kan plak, die amik action camtu...
ak mmg x terkata la time tu, smnjak hari tu...
ak start baek ngn die n sume org len.
dah x tunjuk muke masam2 dah.
mmg ak pon x sure la bile lagi la perkara cmtu akn terjadi.
haha...feels nice to talk about old time story...
Ok, proceed to the 3rd.
this one, is more like the 2nd,
xde kaitan ngn education...haha
da makin terpesong ak ni, bile nk studynye?
never mind, just cite je..
the 3rd one happened in University...
wah, jauh gak perjalanan ak...
siapa sgka budak malas cam ak ni dpt at least masuk U...
ok, cite universiti ni ak ringkaskan....
supaya x melalut panjang2, smpi korg buhsan...
it happened while in second year,
the 1st time ever, I go out with a girl...
only the two of us...
btul ke ni?
waaaa...ak pon x caye...but it really is real...
haha, jgn pk jauh2 plak.
even though berdua je,
it is not dating...
as she pon da berpunye...
she just teman ak g bayar sesuatu yg kemudiannye x dpt dilaksanakan...
haha, klu x tujuan ak kuar ngn die tu sbb die teman ak g bayar bil...
tp sistem down plak,
so, last2...x jd la bayar...
end up berjalan suke2 je...
ak pon rase terketar2 gak mase tu.
ye la, x besa nk communicate ngn kaum lain jantina ni....
org yg berkenaan, jgn marah ea...
as I didn't mention your name here.
papepon, all three of those is one experience that I can never forget...
who knows, bile lagi nk jd camtu...
hny Allah sahaja yg tahu...
post kali ni agak pjg gak...agknye ade ke org yg bace...
kepada sape yg bace, Syukran Jazilan
hasta - ukuran lurus dari hujung jari yg paling panjang(supposedly jari hantu) until siku.
___p - satu perbuatan. sila isi tempat kosong.